

Adam A. Wanderer

Does anyone use an Anti-Virus program, or have a "plug-in" to their AV
program that automatically deletes any incoming e-mail with a virus
attachment, as well as deleting the virus itself??? My Norton AV does fine
in deleting the virus attachment, but the darn e-mail is still there
plugging up my e-mail box and having to be dealt with manually. Thanks!

Torti Schlumpf

Adam said:
Does anyone use an Anti-Virus program, or have a "plug-in" to their AV
program that automatically deletes any incoming e-mail with a virus
attachment, as well as deleting the virus itself???

No. Why doing this? It costs time and traffic, loading lots of worm
mails which contain attachments, each at about 100 kbyte large.

So delete mails on server:

Dominic Willems

Torti Schlumpf said:
So delete mails on server:

You're right. Got also tired of still having to manually remove (confirm deletion of) the
mails, so I just rolled my own tool. Each time there is a non-Swen mail coming in, I get
an envelope in the tray. All the Swen candidates are automatically deleted from the
server, but a list is kept anyhow, for if I need to check whether there weren't any
genuine ones among them.


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