Atlantic Monthly article


Bart Bailey

In Message-ID:<[email protected]> posted on

Publicity for Steve White and his neural immune whatchamacallit.
Fairly intetesting, contains a few howlers.

So the next round will be some catalytic code,
non viral nor detected as such, being distributed,
followed by a tickler virus,
that will cause the DIS to roll out a cure,
which will itself be altered by the catalyst lying in wait. ;-)

Robert Green

Bart Bailey said:
In Message-ID:<[email protected]> posted on

So the next round will be some catalytic code,
non viral nor detected as such, being distributed,
followed by a tickler virus,
that will cause the DIS to roll out a cure,
which will itself be altered by the catalyst lying in wait. ;-)

Yeah, that's the drift, as I understand it, allowing for your
over-simplification :).

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