Any way to change the boot drive?



I had a dual boot configuration with Win 98 and Win XP.

Recently, I made up my mind to work with Windows XP and remove Windows 98.

Windows 98 - Installed in partition C:
Windows XP - Installed in partition F:

The System drive (ntldr,, bootsect.dos, boot.ini files) are
located in C:

To remove Windows 98 from my system, I deleted the folders, C:\Windows,
C:\Program Files, C:\My Documents, C:\blah blah -- all that were offsets of
Windows 98.

Now the partition contains the system files (i.e. ntldr, etc.). Hence my
system partition remains as C: and the boot partition is F:

My question is: what should I do inorder to make F: as my system partition
so that I can format C: completely and make it as a fresh NTFS partition?


Ganesh Anand

Ganesh Anand

Sorry for the name "Microsoft" in the from field. I didn't notice that in
the settings. It took by default.

Ganesh Anand

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