Another post deletion



Hi All......

It did it again.......I put up a post at 2:15 this afternoon and just now
checked for it here at 6:10 pm and it's not there........yet when I check
the group from my Roadrunner newsserver it's there......indicating that it
made it to msnews and got downloaded to Roadrunner but then got deleted from
msnews........who knooows what will happen to this one, "the Shadow"?

Any body else having their posts deleted like this?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Bernie Deitrick


The server farm at MS is being flooded with messages from the virus
that is going around. That slows things down, so not all messages are
fed out to all of the slave servers from the master server on a timely
basis. So if your newsreader pulls messages down from one of the
slave servers before the messages are there, it may not show up in
your reader, even after it eventually makes it to all the slave
servers. Which slave your read from is variable, so sometimes a
message will show up as being available, and then be marked as not
longer being available....

You may need to reset your newsreader's stored messages to force a
re-read of the server's messages. The messages will get there,



Thanks Bernie......

The way it's been working with me, is that I sent a post directly to the
msnews connection and it gets there fine and displays fine and then I go
over to my roadrunner Newsserver and it's there also fine, but then when I
go back to my msnews connection it's gone, and I mean gone, not just marked
as no longer available, everything is gone, as tho it never was
there........this just kept happening and happening till I got to the point
where I just completely un-subscribed to the msnews connection of the .misc
group and re-subscribed.......then all was well again except that I could
only get 30 days past messages (which I understand is a new rule),.......but
then at 2:15 yesterday I made another post which was once again deleted, but
still holding on the roadrunner server.........subsequent posts have been
staying up at msnews........

All this, and I have not seen even one post where anybody else has had a
similar trouble with their posts being deleted.......

Vayac con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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