All folders become "Access Denied" and "Empty" after moving??



Hello to all,

Cheers in advance for the help which anyone here offers. I have just bought
a new Shuttle. I have partitioned the 200GB drive into 5 NTFS partitions. C,
D, E, F, and G. Well for some odd reason my G drive, which is the largest at
70GB, is giving me major headaches. Anytime when I move any folder (photos,
word files, etc) the folder automatically becomes Empty and I cannot move or
delete it as it tells me "Access Denied"!? Now if I right click on it and
choose to make it available on a network and share it, then I can access it
and see that it is indeed not empty?! It is only with this drive that this
occurs and I cannot rectify the problem. Also, I decided to do a Disk Check
last night. Well when I rebooted the PC, it did the disk check and then
rebooted and...did the disk check again and this kept going over and over
again in a loop until I use the "Last known good config" and it finally
booted to my desktop! Any ideas on why it is only with this partition and why
it is doing this? How can a folder be denied access to when I am the


Anando said:

This KB might help you:

How to take ownership of a file or folder in Windows XP;en-us;308421&sd=tech


Microsoft MVP- Windows Shell/User

In memory of Alex Nichol

Folder customizations

Protect your PC!

Cheers!! That seems to have worked!

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