After installing Vista Premium



After going to all the trouble of installing my HP supplied Vista Premium
I found I couldn't connect to the internet, so no browsing and no email.
I called my Telus tech. and he checked it all out and said he could see my
Modem and there was nothing they could do. He said I should call Microsoft,
they wanted my credit card # before even talking to me, so it was good bye
They did say since it was an HP computer and Upgrade, then it would be OEM
and up to them.
After next calling HP, their tech. to be fair tried everything. to no avail.
He said they hadn't gotten any upgrades working yet, and that Vista was the
problem, he figured it had been tossed out too soon before it was ready.
I wondered though, if it had anything to do with the install method I used.
There were two options, one was a non-destruct, where it saved all your
files, the other was a clean sweep format ...
My PC is Vista ready, and I think it ran well when It was finished,but no
good if you can't connect.


It could depend on the way that you connect to the internet.

If your connection is via router, your internet connection and Network
settings are saved in the router; as long as it does not need a vista upgrade
as well.

Remember that you formatted the drive.

If you previously setup your internet connection via a CD from your ISP,
those settings are lost from your hard drive, and have to be reinstalled.


After going to all the trouble of installing my HP supplied Vista Premium
I found I couldn't connect to the internet, so no browsing and no email.
I called my Telus tech. and he checked it all out and said he could see my
Modem and there was nothing they could do. He said I should call Microsoft,
they wanted my credit card # before even talking to me, so it was good bye
They did say since it was an HP computer and Upgrade, then it would be OEM
and up to them.
After next calling HP, their tech. to be fair tried everything. to no avail.
He said they hadn't gotten any upgrades working yet, and that Vista was the
problem, he figured it had been tossed out too soon before it was ready.
I wondered though, if it had anything to do with the install method I used.
There were two options, one was a non-destruct, where it saved all your
files, the other was a clean sweep format ...
My PC is Vista ready, and I think it ran well when It was finished,but no
good if you can't connect.

Sounds like a deal! You might want to consider a Linux Live CD in the
meantime. You can boot and run from the CD without messing with your vista
install. It would allow you to do work while you try to get vista going.


=?Utf-8?B?RGF2ZSBDYWw=?= said:
After going to all the trouble of installing my HP supplied Vista Premium

All MS OS's are best installed fresh, NOT an upgrade witch
brings/expands any problems you had with the orginal OS.


Mick said:
It could depend on the way that you connect to the internet.

If your connection is via router, your internet connection and Network
settings are saved in the router; as long as it does not need a vista upgrade
as well.

Remember that you formatted the drive.

If you previously setup your internet connection via a CD from your ISP,
those settings are lost from your hard drive, and have to be reinstalled.

Thanks Mick, But I have to say I have a network going, with the DSL from a Telus Modem, going thru a D-Link Wi-FI/Wired Router. First PC is XP, and the one I tried with Vista. It along with the second PC is wired. Third PC is XP and Wi-Fi along with the fourth, a Wi-Fi Laptop running Vista Premium. They all worked great together except for the Printer sharing I had with the Laptop.
Wouldn't the fact that the Laptop connected Ok, mean the Router would be OK
also ?


Plato said:

Well after contacting HP again I decided to go with the full format install.
It didn't take long at all as all you get is the Windows OS.
When finished, it connected right away to the Internet.
Later it lost the connection again, and after a few adjustments, namely
resetting and disconnecting both the Modem and Router, it connected again and
is now fine.
I do like the new Vista, and it is running well...


Hi I installed my supplied version of Vista Premium and my webcamera which
was working before is now not working.
Since installing the upgrade I have not been happy with it I wish there was
a way of uninstalling the upgrade.

So I sympathise with you


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