After copying Word files to cd



My question is after copying a Word file to cd is there a way to then open up
the file on cd and change it without saving the file to the computer?

Say I have a Word file and I'm at a Kinko's. I don't want to save my file on
their computer. Is there a way to make changes to the file? When I look at
the file it says "read only." Is there something I can do when copying the
file to cd differently?



No you *can't* & No you _shouldn't_ attempt to edit files stored on CDs or
any other removable media. Despite the impression many seem to have they are
*not* the same as floppy disks (which shouldn't have files opened on them

Always copy the file to a hard drive, edit that copy, then copy back to the
CD when finished - if possible... not all CDs can be written to a second
time. You'd be well advised to invest in a USB Flash Drive which you can
copy back & forth to, erase files, etc. much more easily than CDs. The price
has come down to the point where you can get one for less than $20US... or
go to a Trade Show - vendors are *giving* them away as promotional items:)

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