Windows XP ADMT Migration from NT to Windows 2003

Dec 4, 2008
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I am migration g from Windows NT4.0 SP6a to Windows 2003 R2 SP2 domian controller. I am using ADMT 3.0 to migrate users, groups, sids and passwords.

I am able to migrate all except passwords.
1. I have created Windows NT 4.0 PDC as PES server.
2. PES services is running.RestrictAnonymous registry value is 0 in target domian.
3. AllowPasswordExport registry value is 1 in source server.
4. all other settings are proper.

I am able to migrate all and when I select PES server during migration and hit next I got following Error:
"Unable to establish session with the password export server. The RPC server is unavailable."

WINS and DNS settings are proper. WINS has 01bh and 01ch records in both WINS servers of source and target domian.
Able to resolve server names using nslookup.
Please let me know if anyone has faced this issue before. Any suggestion is welcomed.
Thanks in advance.
Anupam Saraswat