Accessing Remote Desktop through web page



Is it possible to generate a web based client formy remote desktop? So no
matter what computer I used I could type in the URL of my computer's web page
and access my home computer? I seem to recall using a "tsclient" when
Citrix was in charge. Is is possible to duplicate this with Windows XP?

Sooner Al [MVP]

You need IIS installed and configured for Remote Desktop access on the PC you want to connect to.

You also need to forward TCP Port 80 (IIS) and TCP Port 3389 (RDP) if the PC is behind a
firewall/NAT/router. Call using the public IP of the PC, if directly connected to the internet, or
the firewall/NAT/router.


Note that some ISP block TCP Port 80 because running a web server on a home machine violates the
terms of service/usage that you agree to...

Al Jarvi (MS-MVP Windows Networking)

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