access denied drive C Norton Protected!



Can someone please help me get rid of this error message that appears every time i start up my computer(attention Norton Protected access denied drive C!) thanks.


I too am having the same problem.I disabled norton protection and it went away.but I still have another problem.SLOW load up.....I can un install Norton System works and load times are normal

This happened right out of the blue
Any help would be appreciated.

Ed Medlin

I too am having the same problem.I disabled norton protection and it
went away.but I still have another problem.SLOW load up.....I can un
install Norton System works and load times are normal.

This happened right out of the blue.
Any help would be appreciated.

This is a very common problem with Norton. My advise is to go to something
like AVG anti-virus. It is free and not taxing on system resources. I
noticed this problem beginning on customers' systems late last year and
don't know if it was a NSW update or one of the XP updates that really
brought the problem to the forefront. I have recently removed all Norton
products from my personal systems because of these problems. Now that
Norton has aquired PowerQuest, I sure hope the problems don't migrate
there too..........



thanks Ed
I too think it is an issue with either a MS update or even an update from Symantec
I called Symantec and they were nice and all,but couldn't solve it for me.I think I will be looking for a new Anti-virus
ANy help from ant one will be appreciated....Gary

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