Accepted revisions turning up as unaccepted after emailing word do



On three separate occasions recently I have been asked by friends and
colleagues about revision marks which they swear they have accepted suddenly
turning up as not being accepted after they have emailed their doc to a third
party. To their horror each one discovered that their last lot of revisions
weren't accepted at all and the recipient could see all their revisions. In
one case it was a job application and it was pointed out when the applicant
was told they didn't get the job and that this sloppy handling of their job
application (ie having their tracked changes still showing) as contributed to
them not getting a job.

I have two theories - one is that they are turning off viewing the revision
marks, instead of ACTUALLY accepting the revisions. The other is that there
is some kind of incompatibility between the versions of word. In each case
one end has had Word 2002 or 2003 and the other end has had 2000 or earlier -
but this has swapped around in different cases.

I'm also starting to notice that word documents posted on websites often
seem to still have their tracked changes on them when I open them.

Has anyone else had this problem or noticed this phenomenon? Can someone
definitely rule this as simple human error or is there something else going
In 2002 a message comes up warning you that the doc contains tracked changes
- how do you turn this feature on in other versions?


Dayo Mitchell

Judging by the number of people who post here wanting to know why their
tracked changes won't go away when they set it to Final, I'd say it's human
error and that your first theory is right. (These people then get annoyed
when the doc opens with Markup Showing to let them know the changes still
exist....) Ignorance of the need to Accept Changes seems pretty common. If
you want to do systematic research, you could use Google Groups, Advanced
Groups Search.

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