A media player, how remove viewed file list?



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| 2nd post, I can't find the first one???
| > Hi,
| > Media Player keeps track of the last 10 files or so that was viewed and
| > displays them in the file menu just above the Exit icon.
| >
| > Is there a way to clear this list so subsequent users of the system won't
| > see which files were played? If so, how is it done? I searced the help
| > files without success.
| >
| > thanks,
| >
| > Aart


-----Original Message-----
2nd post, I can't find the first one???

If you have the same version I do, media player 9 series,
go to: Tools/Options/Privacy. Uncheck "Save file and URL
history in the Player". Also click the two clear buttons.
This may also be available in earlier versions. Don't
know. Good luck.


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