XP OEM - Interesting conversation with MS employee


Curious George

You're obviously missing my point, so I'll restate it. I think we have
enough of a throw-away society. As long as a tool, in this case a computer,
can do a job, why shouldn't it be, at the very least, passed on to someone
who can use it? A Windoze 98 vintage computer is quite good enough for
reading email or doing word processing. BUT, if one is stuck in the
marketing world of Microsoft, then that corporation makes sure the hardware
becomes obsolete before its time. If M$ decides to stop providing security
patches for Win98 and the computer doesn't have the hardware to run the
"latest and greatest" OS from M$, the computer has been made obsolete, just
so M$ can continue raking in its obscene profits.

Understand now?

No I got your point. I think you're taking yourself and computers way
to seriously. I used to have similar thoughts until I realized a
computer is a means to an end - not an end in itself. Recycling old
junk is much more costly than you think- whether it's tinkering on an
old shitty car to get it running or an old shitty computer.

A win98 vintage computer is really quite a piece of shit. It _should_
be adequate for basic tasks but ends up being more trouble than it's
worth to set up and maintain properly (esp as the HW is aging). It
never performed it's roles very well (even in it's heyday) & never was
very secure, so why would you expect it to be able to compete with
current technology security wise.

Why shouldn't M$ make a buck off their intellectual property? You
can't have it both ways - software that is perfectly reliable & secure
which is infinitely developed & supported (no one does this anyway)
while also being cheap. Sure M$ has us by the nuts - and wouldn't you
if you were a market leader?

Go and fly off the handle again if you wish. I'm done here. All I'm
saying is take a deep breath, go for a walk, and then take another
look at this and why, exactly you're so angry and think M$ is acting
so unusually. Everyone drops support after 3 years or so. Everybody
tries to squeeze out whatever they can from a product.

Stop bitching & moaning & pirate the shit or break your balls learning
*nix & finding the SW you need or pay 2 or 3 times more for a Mac with
shitty support and a tiny user base to tap into.


You're obviously missing my point, so I'll restate it. I think we have
enough of a throw-away society. As long as a tool, in this case a computer,
can do a job, why shouldn't it be, at the very least, passed on to someone
who can use it?

I happen to agree a lot with that. In fact a VERY large
percentage of new system buyers I see did not want anything
more than for their (then) current system to keep running.
Someone with an 700+ MHz system and Win2k or XP doesn't have
a lot of reasons to buy a new system unless their
productivity is tied to income, they're a gamer, or other
less-common tasks are performed like video editing. While
such tasks might be fairly common with participants of these
newsgroups, "Joe Average" is still just getting his feet wet
in many of the more advanced activities.
A Windoze 98 vintage computer is quite good enough for
reading email or doing word processing. BUT, if one is stuck in the
marketing world of Microsoft, then that corporation makes sure the hardware
becomes obsolete before its time. If M$ decides to stop providing security
patches for Win98 and the computer doesn't have the hardware to run the
"latest and greatest" OS from M$, the computer has been made obsolete, just
so M$ can continue raking in its obscene profits.

Understand now?

What patches are you referring to for Win98?
Win98's security flaws are same as WIn2k and XP and have
same resolution, to use a more secure browser and email
client. That's not to suggest it's perfect otherwise but
can be configured securely. Code or human intrusion to a
system must have an entry point, one can't just wait for
exploits to become known (exploited already) before trying
to be a step ahead. Same with any OS. Main problem
regarding windows was that more recently it'd been marketed
for security while if anything the potential for holes had
increased. Funny how the most traffic many routers see is
messenger spam.


A win98 vintage computer is really quite a piece of shit. It _should_
be adequate for basic tasks but ends up being more trouble than it's
worth to set up and maintain properly (esp as the HW is aging).

You must have been stuck with some really poor gear, the
typical '98 ear system wasn't too hard to set up, providing
you knew the little gotchas like limited AGP support for
early Super-7 boards. BX on the other hand, was a great
chipset and there are still MANY of those boxes running
today with their users having no desire to do anything more
than keep them running, which may mean a fan replacement or
maybe the whole ~$25, 250W power supply.
never performed it's roles very well (even in it's heyday) & never was
very secure, so why would you expect it to be able to compete with
current technology security wise.

What are you talking about specifically?
Win98 with an alternate browser and email client is far more
secure than WinXP with MS' IE/OE. There really wasn't any
major problem keeping the older gear working, it just had
limitations like anything else does, for example the native
USB support for many types of hardware, the larger memory
and drive support, more resources, etc. While "we" find
these things fairly important, the typical uses of a PC were
met with Win98, and it's far more stable with the newer
generation drivers and softare that succeeded it.

Why shouldn't M$ make a buck off their intellectual property?

Which buck, the first or the four-hundred billionth?

can't have it both ways - software that is perfectly reliable & secure
which is infinitely developed & supported (no one does this anyway)
while also being cheap.

What's reliable?
WinXP sure isn't.
Unlike Win98 which, once configured will continue to run, XP
will update itself, or if you don't keep same boot drive
configuration you stand a real chance of having to do a
repair install at least. Overall it's better but not as
good as it should be, IMO would be, had there been

How do you figure it's cheap?
The next greatest competitive OS is free, making Windows
look rather expensive. It's also a huge percentage of a
budget-grade PC's price, also rather expensive for an OS
that hasn't been drastically updated relative to the user
base or profits made, nor the public need for improvements.
Sure M$ has us by the nuts - and wouldn't you
if you were a market leader?

No, you would?
I'd focus on quality product at least by the time I was rich
enough to be set for several lifetimes, if not before then.
That's where MS deviated from common practices, in their
efforst to eliminate competition rather than win marketshare
through a better product. The better product was an aside,
a push to sell further versions of windows.

That's part of why monopolies generally aren't tolerated.
Apparently the US Gov. feels there's (at least temporarily)
a public benefit to let MS continue their monopoly. That
can't go on forever, as much as MS might like there will be
more and more alternative OS suitable for all thoe common
Go and fly off the handle again if you wish. I'm done here. All I'm
saying is take a deep breath, go for a walk, and then take another
look at this and why, exactly you're so angry and think M$ is acting
so unusually. Everyone drops support after 3 years or so. Everybody
tries to squeeze out whatever they can from a product.

How many products do you find to be reasonable to parallel
to Windows for comparision? I'm not aruging that they
should support old versions of windows indefinitely though,
but I AM suggesting their software should've been recalled
altogether when it was initially unstable enough that "blue
screen of death" was a household phrase. Their support
should've extended at least until the product met typical
product fitness standards applicable to other industries...
not new features, just fixing what was shipped.
Stop bitching & moaning & pirate the shit or break your balls learning
*nix & finding the SW you need or pay 2 or 3 times more for a Mac with
shitty support and a tiny user base to tap into.

I don't think everyone should "bitch" about it that much but
given the counter arguements it's to be expected others will
have this view. Randomly some people will be impacted by
bugs and marketing, support, etc, more than others. It's
only fair that those hit harder by certain issues would be
more vocal about the inherant problems. No point in
pretending something is perfect when it isn't, it IS only


In message <[email protected]> Serial #
19781010 said:
On the other hand a verdict of "guilty by reason of insanity" is a
contradiction in terms. A person is either guilty (fully responsible
and competent and thus held responsible for their actions) or insane
(not responsible thus not capable of a criminal act in the first
place) but not both at the same time.

Which is fair, as long as the insanity defense doesn't get you off the
hook. Rather then prison, there should be mandatory time in a mental
hospital or whatever type of treatment is required to ensure that no
reoffense occurs.

If the defense attorney uses their upbringing/genes/whatever as a
defense (happens a lot on TV, happens occasionally in real life), and
the jury lets them off, fair enough, they can leave the mental hospital
when their upbringing or genes have changed and not a moment sooner.

Curious George

You must have been stuck with some really poor gear,

Yes indeed. Mostly Dells, Toshibas, Microns, & Gateways. Only a few
compaqs & a few other turds.
typical '98 ear system wasn't too hard to set up, providing
you knew the little gotchas like limited AGP support for
early Super-7 boards.

No OS is really hard to set up if you know how. But there's setting
up and setting up. & when there are too many gotchas, too many
reboots, and lousey control of installations that are allowed to take
a shit on the OS and virtually useless SFC, I'd argue these are too
many hoops to jump through & too many things to handhold on a
_painfully_slow_ computer
BX on the other hand, was a great
chipset and there are still MANY of those boxes running
today with their users having no desire to do anything more
than keep them running, which may mean a fan replacement or
maybe the whole ~$25, 250W power supply.

Yes BX was excellent but not everything with 98 was a BX with solid

I have a laptop that uses BX that I still use around the house every
day for basic stuff on the web or through terminal services. It's
stable as long as I run the fan. constantly If I let the BIOS control
the fan it doesn't kick in until the cpu hits 70C and turns off when
cooled to 65C. The computer becomes unstable when in the mid 50's.
BX is no guarantee of anything. OEM's can botch it nice. & Yes the
machine runs XP fine with my hack & NT's HLT commands & some RAM.
What are you talking about specifically?
Win98 with an alternate browser and email client is far more
secure than WinXP with MS' IE/OE. There really wasn't any
major problem keeping the older gear working, it just had
limitations like anything else does, for example the native
USB support for many types of hardware, the larger memory
and drive support, more resources, etc. While "we" find
these things fairly important, the typical uses of a PC were
met with Win98, and it's far more stable with the newer
generation drivers and softare that succeeded it.

Can and should fix/setup/maintain are unrelated with computers because
time=money. That's not just for business. How much time should I
spend on a home PC? I'd rather go out to a party, get laid, or study
for a new certification then muck about with an old hand-me-down.

Hmm lets see, I saved $150 dollars versus got promoted, hired by a
better company, found a great investment, or found love. What's a
better deal exactly?
Which buck, the first or the four-hundred billionth?

and how many computers is their stuff on exactly?
What's reliable?
WinXP sure isn't.

Sure it is - with good computing practices - like a lot of things
Unlike Win98 which, once configured will continue to run, XP
will update itself,

unless you tell it not to
or if you don't keep same boot drive
configuration you stand a real chance of having to do a
repair install at least. Overall it's better but not as
good as it should be, IMO would be, had there been

win98 is far more temperamental to change. Either are fine if
installed on decent equipment with only a few apps on it and left
static. But that's not how most use these things or what the other
poster seems to want from his Win98 word processor & web browser.
How do you figure it's cheap?

The next greatest competitive OS is free, making Windows
look rather expensive. It's also a huge percentage of a
budget-grade PC's price, also rather expensive for an OS
that hasn't been drastically updated relative to the user
base or profits made, nor the public need for improvements.

I don't know what you're talking about. Linux? Linux still isn't
ready to replace windows as an easy to use easy to do everything

Licensing is not so expensive when you consider time=money & options &
user base bring value to a purchase. Most linux stuff are "projects"
- works in progress. You're not going to find everything you need for
a Linux desktop that is really ready for prime time. (sorry all)
Fact is I've got a hardon for day when that statement is not true.

What a load
you would?

Even if I didn't want to obligations to investors would demand it & I
would be replaced by someone who was more of a shark.
I'd focus on quality product at least by the time I was rich
enough to be set for several lifetimes, if not before then.
That's where MS deviated from common practices, in their
efforst to eliminate competition rather than win marketshare
through a better product. The better product was an aside,
a push to sell further versions of windows.

You've really seen nothing since windows 98, have you? Take a look at
their current platforms, esp servers, and how they are handling
security & patching. It's light-years from their horrible behaviour
in the 90's and before.
That's part of why monopolies generally aren't tolerated.
Apparently the US Gov. feels there's (at least temporarily)
a public benefit to let MS continue their monopoly. That
can't go on forever, as much as MS might like there will be
more and more alternative OS suitable for all thoe common

I don't know. Some other governments like monopolies. Eliminating
monopolies for US infrastructure has been the worst thing possible for
consumer & our infrastructure.

M$ is a market leader. As such they serve to standardize existing
technologies. users benefit even if we don't like the idea of
monopolies. Sorry but it's how things have been playing out. Too
much competition means consumers are left with their thumbs in their
mouth, scared & confused by conflicting, incompatible choices, and
developers fighting with each other and reluctant to invest too much
in a particular technology. Computing needs leadership, even if M$
isn't everybody's first choice for that role.
How many products do you find to be reasonable to parallel
to Windows for comparision? I'm not aruging that they
should support old versions of windows indefinitely though,
but I AM suggesting their software should've been recalled
altogether when it was initially unstable enough that "blue
screen of death" was a household phrase. Their support
should've extended at least until the product met typical
product fitness standards applicable to other industries...
not new features, just fixing what was shipped.

those older versions were so bad I don't know they're worth fixing.
I'm happy to see them gone. How about another idea: If you bought
Win 3x or 9x and maybe NT you should be entitled to a free upgrade to
2k or XP where M$ actually made somewhat of an attempt to make a half
decent product. That make more sense to me then breaking the average
Joe's balls with activation & money grubbing. A little payback is in
order for those of us who tried to endure their shitty SW of the last
decade or more.
I don't think everyone should "bitch" about it that much but
given the counter arguements it's to be expected others will
have this view. Randomly some people will be impacted by
bugs and marketing, support, etc, more than others. It's
only fair that those hit harder by certain issues would be
more vocal about the inherant problems. No point in
pretending something is perfect when it isn't, it IS only

You're right M$ is far from perfect. I don't mean to defend them but
there aren't a lot of reputable souls in business or in the technology
business. After 3 or 5 years everybody tends to say enough is enough
- the new technology is so much better that old stuff isn't worth the


DevilsPGD said:
In message <[email protected]> Serial #

Which is fair, as long as the insanity defense doesn't get you off the
hook. Rather then prison, there should be mandatory time in a mental
hospital or whatever type of treatment is required to ensure that no
reoffense occurs.

If the defense attorney uses their upbringing/genes/whatever as a
defense (happens a lot on TV, happens occasionally in real life), and
the jury lets them off, fair enough, they can leave the mental hospital
when their upbringing or genes have changed and not a moment sooner.

The Snake Pit didn't work either. None of you have a clue regarding mental
illness, other than a twisted sense of revenge. Crime and Punishment doesn't
work. All it does is foster more criminals and that's why the revengeful USA
has so many criminals and prisons. Want to learn how to be a good criminal?
Check into any US prison and you will be taught everything from bank robbery
to check kiting. Not only that, there is a good chance you will go in there
a man and come out a woman. The US penal system is one of the most barbaric
systems in the world.


P.S. If you escape from a mental institution, you can't be charged. Yaknow,
mental patients aren't responsible for their acts.


Yes indeed. Mostly Dells, Toshibas, Microns, & Gateways. Only a few
compaqs & a few other turds.

The Gateways were very good systems. High-end boards,
high-end cases, very easy to set up and run (except for
their annoying proprietary form-factor power suppplies,
still standard ATX electrically though). EXCEPT, the
hardware of that era, while good mainstream stuff, had
horrific drivers. Parts like Ensoniq sound cards and nVidia
Riva 128 sound card's drivers just weren't quite right for
another year or two after the arrival of Win98.

Therein lies a common theme I hear from people who claim
WinXp is so great... They're ignoring that it wasn't just
the OS that's newer most often, but the drivers and apps
too. I've recycled/reused Intel TX/BX boards that came out
of the Gateway systems with quite good results, Win98 or
Win2k, but newer drivers and apps.

Dells were a PITA though, didn't deal with that many
Toshibas or Microns. Compaq being crap is just a given,
didn't have a whole lot to do with any particular era!
No OS is really hard to set up if you know how. But there's setting
up and setting up. & when there are too many gotchas, too many
reboots, and lousey control of installations that are allowed to take
a shit on the OS and virtually useless SFC, I'd argue these are too
many hoops to jump through & too many things to handhold on a
_painfully_slow_ computer

True but that's not a Win98 flaw per se, just the software
of the era. Having had tons of repaired and redeployed
Win98 boxes come through here, I can state that Win98 is
really not bad given newer drivers (sometimes meaning newer
hardware for components whose drivers never became stable
enough) and apps.

I don't use SFC and don't feel anyone needs it.

Painfully slow though?
For everyday uses like surfing, email, etc, a Win98 box can
be faster than a more modern alternative. Take one of those
BX boards in a Gateway, throw a slocket plus P3 1GHz into it
and a semi-modern HDD and it's snappier than a brand new
high-end Dell. Two reasons for that, one is the crap the
OEMs load onto a box, but the other the horrific job MS has
done at producing bloatware.
Yes BX was excellent but not everything with 98 was a BX with solid

True, but I still point back to add-on cards' drivers and
apps. If I randomly picked a WIn98 era board off a pile of
boards here (and was lucky enough that it posted before I
became apathetic about it), I'm pretty confident it would be
up and running WIn98 fine within 45 minutes, including the
time to hunt down drivers... but then I never use anything
but newer drivers when setting up an OS- yet another thing I
hate about WinXP, that it starts assigning hardware IDs and
default drivers when the last thing anyone should want is
the old defeatured drivers MS graces us with.

I have a laptop that uses BX that I still use around the house every
day for basic stuff on the web or through terminal services. It's
stable as long as I run the fan. constantly If I let the BIOS control
the fan it doesn't kick in until the cpu hits 70C and turns off when
cooled to 65C. The computer becomes unstable when in the mid 50's.
BX is no guarantee of anything. OEM's can botch it nice. & Yes the
machine runs XP fine with my hack & NT's HLT commands & some RAM.

You may've had something set up wrong, Win98 does do HLT
cooling. In fact I can't remember the last box win98 didn't
do HLT cooling properly on except a hacked-together Tualatin
Celery on a generic pin-adapter sloket in a BX board. Same
board did HLT fine with a Coppermine in it.

Can and should fix/setup/maintain are unrelated with computers because
time=money. That's not just for business. How much time should I
spend on a home PC? I'd rather go out to a party, get laid, or study
for a new certification then muck about with an old hand-me-down.

I don't find it very time-consuming or expensive.
If anything setting up old gear is extremely quick for me
because I archived all the drivers, docs, etc (not every
driver/etc ever made but with dozens of Gigs of them,
sometimes it seems like it).

Main thing I do is ignore the OEM support crap and just use
the chipset drivers per the respective part. Works fine for
me... and Win98 is so easy to plug-n-play migrate that I can
clone an installation all set up, plug-n-play it for the
different parts, all finished in less than an hour, even
less if the box already had a NIC in it.

Granted many things seem easier in retrospect, but part of
the ease i can also attribute to trying to avoid low-end
junk boards. I found those harder to work with than OEM
boxes, partially because it seemed common that bios weren't
realeased mature enough nor often enough to get as many bugs

Hmm lets see, I saved $150 dollars versus got promoted, hired by a
better company, found a great investment, or found love. What's a
better deal exactly?

The deal is that many uses don't need anything faster. If
you need a box and the parts are right there, might as well
use them. It's your call if you want to build a box or
persue other interests instead, and not exactly appicable to
the discussion. Newer gear would take longer to
order/receive/assemble, which is fine if the role of the box
benefits from it.

Otherwise there's no point in throwing away useful parts
just because they weren't mature when new- as most parts
_aren't_ mature when new, yet another reason to choose parts
that have had a very drivers/bios-updates/whatever. Win98
is another matter though, either it fits the need or
doesn't, I can't really recommend it for a primary-use
system these days unless someone "needs" hardware that has
no newer OS driver.

and how many computers is their stuff on exactly?

Too many?
Enough that they don't have a justification for the OS
price, and the resultant monopoly keeps that price
artificially higher than it would otherwise be.
Sure it is - with good computing practices - like a lot of things

Same could be said about Win98, or take your pick of OS.
I predict XP will be looked back upon as the WinME of the NT
family, a resource hog that added little of use over Win2K
save for more app compatibility, an issue that has already
changed drastically as anything semi-modern runs on either

unless you tell it not to

True, and I do prefer manually doing it, but once you strip
away several of these features, you've stripped away a lot
of the reasons why less experienced users prefer it.

win98 is far more temperamental to change.

You're 100% wrong there, I can plug and play from any one
Win98 box to any other platform capable of running it at
all. 100% success at it. WinXP isn't even remotely close,
and never will be.

Either are fine if
installed on decent equipment with only a few apps on it and left
static. But that's not how most use these things or what the other
poster seems to want from his Win98 word processor & web browser.

You may still be thinking of old apps when you think of
Win98. It doesn't have any problems with gigs of apps so
long as you don't install really old buggy apps. I don't
mean multitasking them though, clearly Win98's resource
limits make it quite poor relative to 2K or XP in this


I still disagree that it take more time, if anything I think
it's quicker.

What a load

You really are deluded if you think that just because YOU
would do that, that this self-projection onto others is

I've often been in a position to "have others by the nuts"
and didn't take advantage of that. I feel that once Billy
G. & Co. have a few million they're not being anything other
than greedy. They have no respect from me for further
personal profits and instead I see their attitude as
offensive in how they choose to maintain a monopoly which
then forces most users to put up with easily preventable,
serious security flaws.

Consider the typical PC owner, who isn't particlarly
computer inclined, has never made a dime in the industry.
Why should they have a default email client that allow virus
infection by opening an email? MS shows complete disregard
for the welfare of it's customers. Running a business in
this way may be necessary for some (businesses) but not for
MS, they have not any worries about being in business in 10
years time unless it's their monopolistic tendencies that do
them in.
Even if I didn't want to obligations to investors would demand it & I
would be replaced by someone who was more of a shark.

Overgeneralizing about "businesses" doesn't do anything to
further an arguement about Microsoft.
You've really seen nothing since windows 98, have you?

I didn't have the problems setting up or running the past
OS. I can't help it if you did, but that only makes the
newer ones even MORE desirable for you.

I also fail to see where you come up with that comment, as
it doesn't even appear that you have much experience with
any MS OS... you don't even realize how much harder it is to
PNP XP to a new box.

Take a look at
their current platforms, esp servers, and how they are handling
security & patching. It's light-years from their horrible behaviour
in the 90's and before.

That's funny. Millions of businesses run older versions of
WIndows Server with no problems. The worst possible thing
they could do is move to a NEWER version of WIndows server.
Frankly though, I'm still amazed that so many are deluded
into thinking a server should run windows at all unless it
MUST, literally.

M$ is a market leader. As such they serve to standardize existing

No, quite wrong.
Standards typically exist ahead of MS adoption and often MS
tries to go proprietary. Open your web browser and hit a
few sites reandomly for a reminder of this. Heh, do it with
Sun Java though since that is one area where MS finally
users benefit even if we don't like the idea of

Nope, completely wrong.
Users benefit from a common platform but to have that
platform maintained in the matter MS does it, is worse than
had something like Unix, had the board development support
focused on it rather than Windows. What Windows did is
remove user's chance for a secure OS without all kinds of
extra crap to get there.

Sorry but it's how things have been playing out. Too
much competition means consumers are left with their thumbs in their
mouth, scared & confused by conflicting, incompatible choices, and
developers fighting with each other and reluctant to invest too much
in a particular technology. Computing needs leadership, even if M$
isn't everybody's first choice for that role.

Not leadership, only a common platform.
Things like "plug n play" were inevitable technologies.
Firewire, USB, a Windowed GUI, all things that would've come
into being with or without MS. MS is a leader not because
we needed them to be, merely because they were the only OS
that dominated and they supported the technlogy they had
nothing to do with developing.

those older versions were so bad I don't know they're worth fixing.

I mean WinXP too.
I completely disagree with the "how bad" part about Win98.
Given new drivers and apps it's not at all unlikely that
WinXP will throw up an error or two before Win98 will.
WInXP itself won't crash, and for many people that's VERY
important. For others it isn't so important, as the app
they were running is what crashed and (sorta the whole point
of having the computer on in the first place).
I'm happy to see them gone. How about another idea: If you bought
Win 3x or 9x and maybe NT you should be entitled to a free upgrade to
2k or XP where M$ actually made somewhat of an attempt to make a half
decent product.

We aren't on the same page here.
Security flaws are the primary problem, and things like
drive corruption for lack of initial 48 bit LBA support-
glaring bugs due to the MS philosophy about how to handle
(and place value upon) user data.

WinXP should'e been recalled too IMO.

That make more sense to me then breaking the average
Joe's balls with activation & money grubbing. A little payback is in
order for those of us who tried to endure their shitty SW of the last
decade or more.

Free upgrades seem a good idea, but I can see an arguement
for not giving the user the new features and support that
the OS they paid for didn't provide. Granted sometimes it
would've been possible to add support with drivers or
relatively simple patches, but I wouldn't fault MS for not
giving free WinXP to 98 users IF MS chose to patch the WIn98
flaws instead. Unfortuneately just giving users WinXP
doesn't resolve the issues.

You're right M$ is far from perfect. I don't mean to defend them but
there aren't a lot of reputable souls in business or in the technology
business. After 3 or 5 years everybody tends to say enough is enough
- the new technology is so much better that old stuff isn't worth the

I can't help but think you're doing something horribly wrong
if it takes more time. Then again, I still place blame on
drivers and apps... try setting up Win98 using mainstream
well-developed hardware/drivers and it's not at all
difficult to do... as I've proven time and time again doing


None of you have a clue regarding mental
illness, other than a twisted sense of revenge. Crime and Punishment doesn't
work. All it does is foster more criminals and that's why the revengeful USA
has so many criminals and prisons.

Wrong, punishment is a deterrent for those on the edge. If we had public
hangings on the local city court-house lawns, left the bodies for 24
hours, there would be a visible sign of punishment for crimes, which
would deter many criminals. There will always be violent criminals that
have no concern for their own lives, but there are many people that know
they can kill someone, get a good attorney, serve a little time, and
they are out on the street again in under 10 years - hardly a deterrent.
Want to learn how to be a good criminal?
Check into any US prison and you will be taught everything from bank robbery
to check kiting.

I think you forgot about all the prison systems outside the USA.
Criminal interaction is possible in all the worlds prisons, which means
that prisoners will talk to each other, which means any prisoner could
learn from the experiences of other prisoners - sort of makes that
comment meaningless.
Not only that, there is a good chance you will go in there
a man and come out a woman. The US penal system is one of the most barbaric
systems in the world.

Never seen a Mexican, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, Turkish, etc.... penal
system I expect.


Leythos said:

Most computers come with boot-from-cd set to the first boot device and
then the floppy and then the hard drive.

LOL! Her's didn't.
If your mom's computer is older or if you set it up without a CD as
the first boot device, they are are right, she won't be able to do it.

In my case, I tested many different vendors products on P3 single CPU
systems, P3 Dual CPU systems, a P4 non-HT system and a P4 HT/CPU
system and then a dual Xeon (P4 era) system. All distro's where
tested with those systems and notes taken.

While Mandrake 10 was a very nice install, there were problems with
video on most of them. SUSE and some other version were a mess when I
tried to use the GUI (as I'm not a nix guy) to manage the systems.
RedHat, being one of the best (in my past experience) was tested with
Fedora Core 3 and it included Open Office, Evolution (that let me
directly use my Exchange servers in native mode), and I setup
Cross-Over with Windows Office XP Prof and was able to use Excel,
Word, and Power point without any problems.

I think that Linux is as ready was Windows 95 was in those days, and
FC3 is as close as 98/2000.

Good for you! You are not the average user.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Leythos said:
None of you have a clue regarding mental
illness, other than a twisted sense of revenge. Crime and Punishment
doesn't work. All it does is foster more criminals and that's why
the revengeful USA has so many criminals and prisons.

Wrong, punishment is a deterrent for those on the edge. If we had
public hangings on the local city court-house lawns, left the bodies
for 24 hours, there would be a visible sign of punishment for crimes,
which would deter many criminals. There will always be violent
criminals that have no concern for their own lives, but there are
many people that know they can kill someone, get a good attorney,
serve a little time, and they are out on the street again in under 10
years - hardly a deterrent.

Public Lynchings! Why not bring back crucifixion?!
I think you forgot about all the prison systems outside the USA.
Criminal interaction is possible in all the worlds prisons, which
means that prisoners will talk to each other, which means any
prisoner could learn from the experiences of other prisoners - sort
of makes that comment meaningless.

I think you forget that Alias is outside the US!
Never seen a Mexican, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, Turkish, etc.... penal
system I expect.

Alias is from Spain.

I suspect you should experience the penal system firsthand!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


LOL! Her's didn't.

And you didn't know how to change that for her?
Good for you! You are not the average user.

So, that means you discounted my 12 y/o non-technical son's ability to
install it and become productive for school work without any difficulty
and without my help? Why would you think that something as simple as
FC3, which you have never tried, would not be ready when the experience
of many suggests that it's one of the easiest to setup, full featured,
and GUI menu based, and has a massive support infrastructure and I would
say the most drivers/hardware support of any of the variants?

I was not evaluating Linux for my own personal use, although I do have
an interest in most OS's as I like to learn all the time, it was being
evaluated for clients desktops and servers in order to provide cost-
point levels and to provide fully workable systems out of the box. The
evaluation proved to me, that almost all my customers could move to FC3
with little or no impact on their ability to perform business functions.
The only issue I can find is retraining support teams, and the
retraining of users to think a "little" differently - the desktop is
simple once you spend 10 minutes looking through the menu's.

Oh, one other thing, being a Partner doesn't mean much, other than
getting free licenses and resources for development - I will be rolling
out our first full linux based office later next month, email server, 3
file servers, 28 workstations, and two branch offices with 4
workstations. Unlike your single mindedness, I've always looked at the
available options and paths and picked the "best" solution for a
scenario, I'm not stuck with only knowing one OS.

Expand your personal awareness, get a spare drive, install it, remove
your old one, try FC3 for a couple days, you will like it.


Leythos said:
None of you have a clue regarding mental
illness, other than a twisted sense of revenge. Crime and Punishment
work. All it does is foster more criminals and that's why the revengeful
has so many criminals and prisons.

Wrong, punishment is a deterrent for those on the edge. If we had public
hangings on the local city court-house lawns, left the bodies for 24
hours, there would be a visible sign of punishment for crimes, which
would deter many criminals. There will always be violent criminals that
have no concern for their own lives, but there are many people that know
they can kill someone, get a good attorney, serve a little time, and
they are out on the street again in under 10 years - hardly a deterrent.

You're living proof that the penal system in the USA is barbaric.
I think you forgot about all the prison systems outside the USA.

You mean like Europe?
Criminal interaction is possible in all the worlds prisons, which means
that prisoners will talk to each other, which means any prisoner could
learn from the experiences of other prisoners - sort of makes that
comment meaningless.

Europe has the lowest crime rate in the world and the penal system is based
on Crime and Rehabilitation. Tell you anything, Atila?
Never seen a Mexican, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, Turkish, etc.... penal
system I expect.

Actually, I have seen a Mexican prison. A friend of mine was busted with
some weed and he got six years. He rented a small hut in the middle of the
courtyard ($US 100 for your entire sentence, so he figured he got a good
deal on his six year lease), ordered his food from a restaurant, had a
stereo, TV, as much weed as he wanted to smoke and all the putas he wanted.
Not only that, he got a python to get rid of all the rats. When I went to
visit him, he was sitting on a lawn chair in front of his hut, stoned on
weed you'll never see and grooving to the sounds of Janis Joplin. 'Course,
if you don't have any money, it's beans and rice and a concrete slab to
sleep on ...



Leythos said:
None of you have a clue regarding mental
illness, other than a twisted sense of revenge. Crime and Punishment
doesn't work. All it does is foster more criminals and that's why
the revengeful USA has so many criminals and prisons.

Wrong, punishment is a deterrent for those on the edge. If we had
public hangings on the local city court-house lawns, left the bodies
for 24 hours, there would be a visible sign of punishment for crimes,
which would deter many criminals. There will always be violent
criminals that have no concern for their own lives, but there are
many people that know they can kill someone, get a good attorney,
serve a little time, and they are out on the street again in under 10
years - hardly a deterrent.

Public Lynchings! Why not bring back crucifixion?!

If they get the death-penalty, hang them on the court-house lawn, it
would put the fear of the law into criminals or wanna-be criminals.
I think you forget that Alias is outside the US!

Nope, I know it and didn't forget it. Statement still stands.
Alias is from Spain.

Are you suggesting that he works for or is a inmate in that system? If
not, then he may only have a media's representation of what they are
like (which we all know is slanted for the media's benefit).
I suspect you should experience the penal system firsthand!

I've worked in the Penal system in the US, have experience with it, have


kurttrail said:
Alias is from Spain.

Actually, I live in Spain. I was born in the USA and lived there for a long
time. I have a US passport and a Spanish "green card".
I suspect you should experience the penal system firsthand!

He would be the first one to approach the meanest, baddest man there and say

Oh, and speaking of Spanish prisons, they have conjugal visits here so
forced homosexuality is not a problem like it is in the barbaric US prisons.



Leythos said:
Leythos said:
None of you have a clue regarding mental
illness, other than a twisted sense of revenge. Crime and Punishment
doesn't work. All it does is foster more criminals and that's why
the revengeful USA has so many criminals and prisons.

Wrong, punishment is a deterrent for those on the edge. If we had
public hangings on the local city court-house lawns, left the bodies
for 24 hours, there would be a visible sign of punishment for crimes,
which would deter many criminals. There will always be violent
criminals that have no concern for their own lives, but there are
many people that know they can kill someone, get a good attorney,
serve a little time, and they are out on the street again in under 10
years - hardly a deterrent.

Public Lynchings! Why not bring back crucifixion?!

If they get the death-penalty, hang them on the court-house lawn, it
would put the fear of the law into criminals or wanna-be criminals.

The death penalty is barbaric and fits right in with the USA's barbaric
revenge penal system that you, a born again Atila the Hun, obviously
Nope, I know it and didn't forget it. Statement still stands.

Europe has the lowest crime rate in the world. The USA has one of the
Are you suggesting that he works for or is a inmate in that system? If
not, then he may only have a media's representation of what they are
like (which we all know is slanted for the media's benefit).

I have met people who have been in a Spanish prison and I would take that
waaaaaaaaaaaaaay over the USA's prisons that are straight from the middle
I've worked in the Penal system in the US, have experience with it, have

What did you do, fix the warden's computer?




aka@ said:
Europe has the lowest crime rate in the world and the penal system is based
on Crime and Rehabilitation. Tell you anything, Atila?

Vatican has highest crime rate in the world!

England (closely followed by Italy) is the car crime capital of Europe

Why Europe's Crime Rates Have Surpassed Ours

US has a substantially lower crime rate than the major European

The one message across all reporting agencies and articles that I can
find is that the trend in the US is towards a lower crime rate, while
the trend in Europe (except Germany) is towards an increasing crime

Now, what do you think about your liberal means of corrections?


aka@ said:
What did you do, fix the warden's computer?

Setup training programs to teach inmates computer skills and programming
that could lead to productive jobs once released. What have you done?


Leythos said:
Vatican has highest crime rate in the world!

England (closely followed by Italy) is the car crime capital of Europe

Why Europe's Crime Rates Have Surpassed Ours

US has a substantially lower crime rate than the major European

The one message across all reporting agencies and articles that I can
find is that the trend in the US is towards a lower crime rate, while
the trend in Europe (except Germany) is towards an increasing crime

Now, what do you think about your liberal means of corrections?

And you trust these personal web pages???

Please. We don't have gangland shootings. We don't have kids shooting up
schools. We don't have lunatics shooting up McDonald's. We don't have Bush
murdering over 100,000 Iraqis and Afganis.

Not one single school in Spain has or needs to have a metal detector at the
door and cops in the hallways.

Get your facts straight.



Yaknow, snipping the hell out of my post only makes you look like a fool.

Stop it!

How can they lead productive lives if they will be in prison forever like in
California's barbaric three strikes law?


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