Winodws XP


Bob I

How so? Perhaps you are just checking too soon?
It appears that now my posts to this thread are prevented from making it
to the MS server, so even mentioning the "A" name seems like reason
enough to block posts! I guess the conversation is now over because I
can no longer express my opinion about the subject!


John John (MVP)

No, Bob. My second post (this one that you replied to) has appeared yet
the other one that I posted before this one hasn't. I tried to post the
same post again with my answer to Ron but the post hasn't been posted.


Bob I

Dunno, I see posts from you in this thread at 11:29, 12:03, 12:11, 14:22
and this one at 14:48..

John John (MVP)

There are missing posts, I made a post/reply to Ron (before my 14:22
post) and it hasn't shown up. I tried to repost the same message and
another (new) one with slightly altered contents and the posts aren't


Bob I

perhaps "Alias" is a forbidden word?
There are missing posts, I made a post/reply to Ron (before my 14:22
post) and it hasn't shown up. I tried to repost the same message and
another (new) one with slightly altered contents and the posts aren't



Ron Badour said:
I have been posting in these newsgroups since 1996 and I have never
seen nor heard of a post intentionally taken off a MS server merely
because there were discussions of or rants about MS. Posts are removed
upon the request of the poster if there is a valid reason, if they
contain blatant spam, contain excessive profanity, have any reference
to porn, could contain dangerous info, etc. MS takes freedom of speech
very seriously and does not arbitrarily remove posts just because they
are critical of MS.

You forgot one category:

Someone advocating the transfer of an OEM license from one PC to another
PC and instucting others how to do so. That's the only thing I can think
of that Ay-lee-uss posts that MS would find objectionable, so although
MS may take freedom of speech seriously, they draw the line at a point
where therir EULA can be circumvented if an unethical person chooses to
do so. Then again, Ay-lee-uss has been very vocal in his belief that the
EULA itself is "unconscionable." An interesting assertion, but when push
comes to shove, he can't logically argue the point:

Notice that Ay-lee-uss never responded. (Or if he did, the message never
propagated.) PD43/Grumpy made an interesting point. But I still believe
that as long as the purchaser decides against installing the OS after
reading the EULA (but obviously after breaking the shrink wrap), he or
she *is* legally entitled to a full refund. But again, I defer to any
attorneys who may be reading this thread.

John John (MVP)

Let me try one more time. I will try to paste my reply to Ron in
another post, in a reply to your post. As soon as I post this I will
post a second post with a copy of my earlier reply.


John John (MVP)

Lets see if this will work:

Whether you agree with Alias or not one can safely say that his posts
never contain spam, porn, links to porn or vulgar language, yet many of
his posts have been removed or prevented from ever appearing on the MS
servers. On broaching the issue of the practice of shipping computers
with "restorations" cd's and recovery partitions instead of real Windows
cds I have had posts censored in these groups, so I know that some
things are sensitive to someone at Microsoft, there are just some
subjects that someone at Microsoft doesn't like seeing aired out in
public! Other than that Microsoft is quite tolerant of what is being
said in these groups (on their servers), even when it is inflammatory or
highly critical of Microsoft.


John John (MVP)

I wonder how long I should wait for that other post to show up... There
is something in the post that someone doesn't like.

Bob I

You could make multiple posts each containing a single sentence, and
then you would know what tripped the "filter".

John John (MVP)

Well, somehow or other, when I tried to repost to Ron earlier, my post
must have made it somewhere at the exact moment when Google was
replicating to its servers and by some fluke my attempted repost made it
on to their servers, under another account with just my short "John" name.

(Look for post #27)

The post seems innocuous enough to me, but apparentlty not to the powers
that be somewhere out there...


Ron Badour


Something else is going on as my reply to you had Alias in it and it made it
to the thread. Let's see if this one makes it--ALIAS, alias, Alias. By the
way, I post directly to the MS Server ( using Outlook


Or it might be a coincidence. Sometimes my posts don't show up on the MS
server either. Or maybe it's the "c" word....

John John (MVP)

Yes, it takes something else or something more than just the "A" name.
I said something else that someone doesn't like, I tried to post it
several times to you and once to Bob, but someone won't allow it or it's
triggering a filter rule on the servers. One post managed to make it on
to the Google archives, (see another post to Bob I), there isn't much
there offensive if you ask me but in the past I have found discussions
mentioning the subject to not be allowed on the servers, it appears to
be a "touchy" subject.


John John (MVP)

It seems to me that censoring the word censor is a bit over the top, but
maybe read in context with the other words in the post it could have
triggered a filter rule. But I have to say that not too long ago a I
found that a discussion about certain practices was not allowed here.


John John (MVP)

It's a funny coincidence that another post to Bob with the same text is
also not showing here yet posts a few minutes before and after (without
the offending text, whatever it is) is showing. To me it isn't
coincidence at all.


Ron Badour

If the subject dealt with something illegal, then I would not be surprised
to see it deleted. However, with that said, I have seen posts (one by a
former MS MVP) that contained product keys for W98 and the posts were not


Hi John and Ron,

Well, I tried posting the attached reply below, showing a history of John's
replies to this thread, about 45 minutes ago, and it still hasn't shown up

I'm attaching it again. Let's see if it makes it this time.



Hi John,

Here are the posts I found from you in THIS thread, beginning at 12:29 PM
EDT and ending at 6:14 PM EDT, using my Supernews server account.

If you posted any others -- and they were deleted from Microsoft's servers
before they were propagated -- then they won't be here.



Wednesday, June 18, 2008 12:29 PM

So then tell us, who do you think is removing the posts (on the MS



Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1:03 PM

John John (MVP) said:
It may not be moderated (strictly speaking) but there are posts that don't
ever make it to the groups, they are filtered by contents or poster
name/origin before they make it to the group servers.



Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1:11 PM

John John (MVP) said:
I don't think it's a grudge against him as such, it's more that some of the
subjects that he raises are obviously pretty touchy for someone at
Microsoft, they don't like certain things being talked about on their



Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:22 PM

John John (MVP) said:
It appears that now my posts to this thread are prevented from making it
to the MS server, so even mentioning the "A" name seems like reason enough
to block posts! I guess the conversation is now over because I can no
longer express my opinion about the subject!



Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:48 PM

John John (MVP) said:
No, Bob. My second post (this one that you replied to) has appeared yet
the other one that I posted before this one hasn't. I tried to post the
same post again with my answer to Ron but the post hasn't been posted.



Wednesday, June 18, 2008 4:35 PM

John John (MVP) said:
There are missing posts, I made a post/reply to Ron (before my 14:22 post)
and it hasn't shown up. I tried to repost the same message and another
(new) one with slightly altered contents and the posts aren't showing.



Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:01 PM

John John (MVP) said:
Let me try one more time. I will try to paste my reply to Ron in another
post, in a reply to your post. As soon as I post this I will post a
second post with a copy of my earlier reply.



Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:01 PM

John John (MVP) said:
Lets see if this will work:

Whether you agree with Alias or not one can safely say that his posts
never contain spam, porn, links to porn or vulgar language, yet many of
his posts have been removed or prevented from ever appearing on the MS
servers. On broaching the issue of the practice of shipping computers with
"restorations" cd's and recovery partitions instead of real Windows cds I
have had posts censored in these groups, so I know that some things are
sensitive to someone at Microsoft, there are just some subjects that
someone at Microsoft doesn't like seeing aired out in public! Other than
that Microsoft is quite tolerant of what is being said in these groups (on
their servers), even when it is inflammatory or highly critical of



Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:23 PM

John John (MVP) said:
I wonder how long I should wait for that other post to show up... There is
something in the post that someone doesn't like.

John John (MVP) wrote:


Wednesday, June 18, 2008 6:14 PM

John John (MVP) said:
Well, somehow or other, when I tried to repost to Ron earlier, my post
must have made it somewhere at the exact moment when Google was
replicating to its servers and by some fluke my attempted repost made it
on to their servers, under another account with just my short "John" name.


John John (MVP) said:
Well, somehow or other, when I tried to repost to Ron earlier, my post
must have made it somewhere at the exact moment when Google was
replicating to its servers and by some fluke my attempted repost made it
on to their servers, under another account with just my short "John" name.

(Look for post #27)

The post seems innocuous enough to me, but apparentlty not to the powers
that be somewhere out there...




Hi Ron,

I have tried posting replies two times showing a history of John's
replies to this thread, and they still haven't shown up here.

Let's see if this post makes it.


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