Why Vista is great - and people need to stop looking for things...



Alias said:
Did you even read what I wrote?


Did you read what I wrote?

"If it was such a major problem that everyone or most everyone couldn't run
it, I think it would have hit the national media by now."

"As far as your statement that it's not making the news, read this"

Sure there's a few opinion pieces about what people like and don't like
about it, but nothing as significant as anyone threatening to sue MS for
releasing Vista with too many bugs, though there was a reference in that
article to one guy who wants to start a lawsuit against nVidia for selling
him their newest card and not having Vista drivers for it yet.


I already tried that "bottom line".

This is where they come back and say the VUA didn't tell them then app
wouldn't work. Thus MS PROMISED THEM.

....and around and around we go



Eric said:
If we cared so much more about stability than choices, our PCs would be
sold like gaming consoles.


Personally, I'm glad we have choice. That allows us to use PCs where we
need them and Macs where we need them. As well as Linux for our web servers
:) Linux is great for appliance type scenarios.


Eric said:
article to one guy who wants to start a lawsuit against nVidia for selling
him their newest card and not having Vista drivers for it yet.

I remember that. Too bad he now DOES have drivers and too bad he can't
justify any losses in which to claim.


Eric said:
Did you read what I wrote?

"If it was such a major problem that everyone or most everyone couldn't run
it, I think it would have hit the national media by now."

"As far as your statement that it's not making the news, read this"

Sure there's a few opinion pieces about what people like and don't like
about it, but nothing as significant as anyone threatening to sue MS for
releasing Vista with too many bugs, though there was a reference in that
article to one guy who wants to start a lawsuit against nVidia for selling
him their newest card and not having Vista drivers for it yet.

I was referring to this:

I'm not whining about it. I merely plan to wait until it's ready for
Prime Time and all the drivers are available. I am also not in a hurry
to run out and buy the hardware I would need to run it. What is
unreasonable about that? 'm not whining about it. I merely plan to wait
until it's ready for Prime Time and all the drivers are available. I am
also not in a hurry to run out and buy the hardware I would need to run
it. What is unreasonable about that?



You're either:

1. Lying yet again.
2. You lied before.
3. Since you stated before you absolutely WILL NOT install Vista until SP2
is out then you honestly believe Vista wont be "ready for Prime Time and all
the drivers are available" until SP2. Which is utter ignorance.

So please pick one.


Justin said:
You're either:

1. Lying yet again.
2. You lied before.
3. Since you stated before you absolutely WILL NOT install Vista until
SP2 is out then you honestly believe Vista wont be "ready for Prime Time
and all the drivers are available" until SP2. Which is utter ignorance.

So please pick one.

No, I can and probably will change my mind according to what happens.

Changing one's mind about something is not the same thing as lying. For
example, if you used to love someone but don't anymore, back when you
did your statement "I love you" was not a lie. Now it is, according to
your nit picking lame efforts at oneupmanship.

Fact is what I am doing is not unreasonable.



Alias said:
Fact is what I am doing is not unreasonable.

That's true. It's not. But what you do is pointless, boring, stupid,
idiotic, dumb, a waste of time, did I mention pointless?

Also if neither 1 or 2 are true then why didn't you pick 3? Did you not
understand the directions?

You spend countless hours telling us how STUPID Vista is and much it's going
to FAIL. Than a week later you claim you WILL use Vista once it's on SP2,
then a week later you claim you might use it before then, then you claim
you've NEVER EVEN USED vista, now you claim you'll use it as early as driver
support become available. Then at the end of it all, you continue to spout
how Vista is a complete failure and the sole reason Linux will prevail.

All that, makes you an idiot and the sole reason I can pick out at least 30
people here that hate you.

You're a joke. Plain and simple.


Adam Albright

That's true. It's not. But what you do is pointless, boring, stupid,
idiotic, dumb, a waste of time, did I mention pointless?

Justin, based on some the moronic things you've said in the past I
firmly believe you would mess up arranging a two car funeral.

Vista works at a basic level. Start to push it, just a little (you're
nowhere close to qualified to do that based on your mindless babbling)
and it stumbles. You don't have a problem with that because it seems
you only use your computer for simplistic tasks. People that use their
computers for more demanding tasks have already found many things
poorly implenmented or broken which begs the question WHO did the
testing? You answer to that is so what, just wait.
Also if neither 1 or 2 are true then why didn't you pick 3? Did you not
understand the directions?

You spend countless hours telling us how STUPID Vista is and much it's going
to FAIL.

While you spend countless hours praising Vista to the highest without
having the knowledge to even begin to grasp its many shortcomings.


ml said:
Sorry to tell!

Vista is all about money and fancy pictures. Seriously... it's just a
sliding Powerpoint presentation with lot of fancy pictures. Windows
Vista is buggier, than Windows XP was, when that came out.

Right on. What a disappointing, half-assed update after waiting so many
years. I think that M$ should just drop their "big release every few
years" strategy and pursue the "continual evolution" strategy that most
Linux distributions use.

The problem, of course, is how would they milk the new strategy for the
big money that they are accustomed to?

Barnett Trzcinski

To say that Vista is all about money and fancy pictures is to show a
complete lack of appreciation for what has been done to the operating system
beneath Aero. Are you a developer who knows about all of the improvements in
..NET Framework 3.0? Are you a systems administrator who knows about the
vastly improved networking stack? How about as a normal user, do you know
how UAC in many ways provides more system security than standard UNIX
user-superuser separation?

For your information, the company name is "Microsoft" and not "M$". If
perhaps you're just bitter that someone has actually made more money than
you, you should get going and make some money on your own.

Bring up some real reasons next time...

Adam Albright

To say that Vista is all about money and fancy pictures is to show a
complete lack of appreciation for what has been done to the operating system
beneath Aero. Are you a developer who knows about all of the improvements in
.NET Framework 3.0? Are you a systems administrator who knows about the
vastly improved networking stack? How about as a normal user, do you know
how UAC in many ways provides more system security than standard UNIX
user-superuser separation?

For your information, the company name is "Microsoft" and not "M$". If
perhaps you're just bitter that someone has actually made more money than
you, you should get going and make some money on your own.

Bring up some real reasons next time...

Your official I'm a Microsoft butt kisser badge is in the mail. Watch
your mail box.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Bitter? No. Objective.


To say that Vista is all about money and fancy pictures is to show a
complete lack of appreciation for what has been done to the operating system
beneath Aero. Are you a developer who knows about all of the improvements in
.NET Framework 3.0? Are you a systems administrator who knows about the
vastly improved networking stack? How about as a normal user, do you know
how UAC in many ways provides more system security than standard UNIX
user-superuser separation?

For your information, the company name is "Microsoft" and not "M$". If
perhaps you're just bitter that someone has actually made more money than
you, you should get going and make some money on your own.

Bring up some real reasons next time...

- Show quoted text -

You do realize that chrisv is a Linux crybaby who lives, breathes and
craps over in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
He generally *plonks* anyone who dares to bring up something bad about
Linux or something good about Windows.
Ignore him because he is just another Linux zealot with his head
buried deeply in the sand.
Or some other equally dark place.


Your official I'm a Microsoft butt kisser badge is in the mail. Watch
your mail box.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Bitter? No. Objective.

Well I am certainly no fan of Vista, but it is more than just a pretty
skin on top of Windows XP.
Hell, all of the hardware driver problems and software compatability
woes should be more than enough to make that case.

At any rate, here is a Wiki that has some information for you.


As with all Wikis, take it with a grain of epsom salt.

Adam Albright

At any rate, here is a Wiki that has some information for you.


As with all Wikis, take it with a grain of epsom salt.

What I found interesting was reference to Windows "Vienna" the next
"revolutionary" version of Windows coming soon, which in Microsoft
talk means five years or so and just another face lift.

Some things never change. <wink>


What I found interesting was reference to Windows "Vienna" the next
"revolutionary" version of Windows coming soon, which in Microsoft
talk means five years or so and just another face lift.

Some things never change. <wink>

And we have been hearing that same tune since Windows 3.0.
I wonder if Vienna will ever see the light of day after the Vista
Microsoft wants to be like IBM and get out of the service business and
into the services business.
Low cost, low overhead, everyone is more or less a paid consultant
Designing and supporting operating systems is very expensive.
Vista is nice, but Linux is better as an operating system.
The problem with Linux is the desktop applications are somewhat half
baked and a little rough around
the edges.
Hardware support for recently released devices is variable.
Also Linux has to play in what amounts to a sandbox owned by Microsoft
and that is not easy.
Just ask a person who has a Mac at home and kids in school.
The schools are forever handing out software to be used and much of it
will not work on a Mac.
Don't even ask about Linux.
SAT prep?
All kinds of tutorial software.
Mostly Windows based.

Then there are professionals who need CBT software like Cisco, Netapp,
EMC and other companies.
It only runs on Windows and in some cases real Unix.
Even general office workers have problems.
Are you absolutely certain that those files you created will open with
All the macros will run?
Are you positive?

This is what Linux is up against.
It is more than just being a superior operating system.
It involves having to interface with Windows, like it or not.

Adam Albright

And we have been hearing that same tune since Windows 3.0.
I wonder if Vienna will ever see the light of day after the Vista

The biggest problem with Linux assuming you get past installing it,
people have no idea, and they whine about installing Windows (wink)
is the lack of support for current top tear software. There are
exceptions of course like the excellent GIMP which stands up to
Photoshop in complexity and what's it called, Star Office isn't bad,
but for what I do there's little if any upscale software that works on
the Linux platform. I use Sony's Vegas a lot which is a professional
grade video/audio editor. I asked their program manager once in their
forum if they would ever support either Mac's or Linux. His response?
When hell freezes over.

I'm a realist. Like it or not its a Windows world. I would guess tens
of millions of people all over the world would say something similar.
I doubt many people would remain loyal to Microsoft if any company
with deep pockets ever gave them a run for their money and offered a
REAL alternative to Windows. Doubt its going to happen. Remember all
the buzz over Linux a few years back? Aside from some inroads on the
server side Linux just hasn't made that much a splash. The reason
seems to be it just isn't supported by the main stream software
houses. That's the kiss of death and so it remains mostly a cult
following and a toy for geeks, pretty much like Mac have a similar
little slice of the pie and no serious hopes of ever dethroning


Barnett Trzcinski top posted:
To say that Vista is all about money and fancy pictures is to show a
complete lack of appreciation for what has been done to the operating system
beneath Aero.

Top posting idiot. Did I say that?
Are you a developer who knows about all of the improvements in
.NET Framework 3.0? Are you a systems administrator who knows about the
vastly improved networking stack? How about as a normal user, do you know
how UAC in many ways provides more system security than standard UNIX
user-superuser separation?

LOL Sure it does, top poster.
For your information, the company name is "Microsoft" and not "M$". If
perhaps you're just bitter that someone has actually made more money than
you, you should get going and make some money on your own.

Bring up some real reasons next time...

Learn how to read, top poster.


The problem, of course, is how would they milk the new strategy for the
big money that they are accustomed to?

Probably the way that some commercial Linux distro sources do by
selling support (look at Novell's SuSE licensing approach, especially
on the server side).


"If it was such a major problem that everyone or most everyone couldn't run
it, I think it would have hit the national media by now."

I just installed Vista Business on a ASUS PC-DL Deluxe system with Dual
2.6ghz Xeon CPU's, 4GB RAM, 250GB RAID-1, and an ASUS A9550 AGP 128MB
card to see how things would play out.

This is a highend workstation that we use for testing.

The install, a virgin installation, went smooth, and other than low
graphics ratings of 2.3 and a 3.9 for gaming, it doesn't suffer from the
hesitations that the other single CPU test machined did. It does use 819MB
of RAM without any applications open. It does run Guild Wars smoothly, as
smoothly as the Win XP machine beside it, but not more smooth or faster.
Oh, and it gets a 5.5 on the Disk test.

So, based on some limited testing, since I can't see any benefit of Vista
over XP on the same hardware, and in fact I can see a must have of 1.5GB
for Vista over the standard 512MB for XP, I can't see any reason to switch
to vista at this time. We don't have security issues or malware problems,
so that's a mute issue, we do not have new Quad Core CPU's or 2GB RAM for
the older (1-2 year old machines) machines, so, like it or not, there just
doesn't appear to be any valid business reason to invest in upgrades for
Vista at this time.

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