What is Kyoceranetdev



I have some computers on the network and they keep talking 1063 outbond- i
assumed it is a trojan or some such thing and i am trying to kill it but it
is spreading slowly. I think i have contained it for now. mostly it tries
to go to the internet but we have stoped that i think. not my real question
but thought it would peak interest.

what is Kyoceranetdev??? i have looked only for 8 - 10 hours with no luck
good or bad at least i have found no known / recent bad software using the
port that i can find.

any information on what Kyoceranetdev is ??? would be great



Is this like that old ddl or dcl protocal that used to exist for IBM print?

if that is so than perhaps i will start collecting more data.
I think i am going to need it.

"Well, here''s another nice mess you''ve gotten us into." - Laurel and Hardy

Larry Samuels said:
Just a WAG, but do you have a Kyocera network printer?

Larry Samuels Associate Expert
MS-MVP (2001-2005)
Unofficial FAQ for Windows Server 2003 at
Expert Zone-

Larry Samuels



Ya i saw that myself which is what start me on this paranioa trip

even checked to see is the clients had a kyrocera phone with software for
the phone installed but nothing.

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