Service Pack 4 Install

  • Thread starter David Wabiszewski
  • Start date

David Wabiszewski

I am having trouble getting Service Pack 4 to install it
keeps coming up the file "C:\Winnt\System32\Netstat.exe
is open or in use by another application" and then it
stops the install process. Please let me know if anyone
has a suggestion. Thank you

Alan Avis

Having a similar problem only my machine says
c:\winnt\system32\tftp.exe..... Can't find any info in the MS KB. I suspect
it has something to do with the blaster worm but I'm not sure. Been working
on this for about 3 weeks now.....



I have the similiar problem getting the message
"The file c:\winnt\system32\dllcache\xenroll.dll is open
or in use by another application" Is there anybody - my be
at MS who knows a solution?


Alan W. Avis

I figured out a way around the problem although I'm not sure it's a fix. I
believe there is some type of virus/worm on the machine.

When you start to install the Service Pack, you get the message
c:\winnt\etc.. is open or in use by....

Step 1. Stop the install, navigate to the directory specified, find the file
(ex: c:\winnt\system32\xenroll.exe), right click, properties,sercurity. Even
though it has the everyone permission, add both administrators and SYSTEM
and give them both Full Control and apply the settings.

Step 2. You would think this is enough but it is NOT. Next right click the
file again. This time rename the file ex: xenroll.exe to xenroll.exx (you
cannot rename the file until you change the permissions...). Miraculously,
the file is recreated! So now you have xenroll.exx AND xenroll.exe. I cannot
not explain why this happens. That's why I believe it is sometype of
virus/worm (possiblt left over from the Blaster?).

Step 3. Restart the Service Pack install. You may have to repeat these steps
several times to finally get ALL the files that have the wrong permissions
set. In my case, I had to repeat about 3 times.

If you are skeptical about the rename, I tried just changing the permissions
and restarting the SP install. It still failed with the same message on the
same file. It finally went past the file after renaming the file. I would
really like to know why the file is created again(and with the proper
permissions). My first 'in use' file was tftp.exe. After changing the
permissions, to see if the permission change took affect, I tried renaming
the file and was successful so I tried to name it back to tftp.exe from
tftp.exx. It would not allow the rename back! It said the file already
existed! This happened on all 3 of the files I needed to 'fix'.

Hope this helps. I'm not sure it's not a cure, just a work around. BTW,
I ran a virus scan 3 times and couldn't find a virus. I also ran the
fixblast and fixwelchia and showed clean.


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