Microsoft Office 2003 -> Where is Shortcut Bar ?



Hi there,
Can someone help me or answer my query !

I have recently been upgraded at work from Microsoft Office Premium
2000 (running on Windows ME) to Microsoft Office Professional 2003
(running on Windows XP Pro SP2).

On Office 2000, I used to have (and really liked) the Office shortcut
bar, which I used to place at the top right of the screen, and I used
it to launch Office applications, Notepad and Windows Explorer etc.

I can't seem to find this feature any more on Office 2003 ....
Is it still there ?
If so where is it, so I can install it !

Thanks in advance,


Shenan Stanley

Steve said:
Hi there,
Can someone help me or answer my query !

I have recently been upgraded at work from Microsoft Office Premium
2000 (running on Windows ME) to Microsoft Office Professional 2003
(running on Windows XP Pro SP2).

On Office 2000, I used to have (and really liked) the Office shortcut
bar, which I used to place at the top right of the screen, and I used
it to launch Office applications, Notepad and Windows Explorer etc.

I can't seem to find this feature any more on Office 2003 ....
Is it still there ?
If so where is it, so I can install it !

It is gone.

Frequently asked questions about the Office Shortcut bar and Office 2003

Which links to:

Information about running multiple versions of Office with Office 2003


Thanks Shenan :)

Seems like another case of removing useful features....
will have to put more shortcuts on the desktop now !

Once again, many thanks for your quick reply !



Well, Microsoft Office 2003 does not have the office short bar. However,
you are upgrade your office from 2000 to 2003. The office shortbar for
office 2000 is still in your computer. you can find it under Program files |
Microsoft Office | Office.

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