message could not be sent



when I try to send an email from an address obtained on the internet the
response is that Vista doesnt support HTTP and directs me to create an new
account. I tried to install WINDOWS Live Mail as it prompted. It downloaded
it but still doesnt recognise. When I'm in my MSN email account I cam send
and receive email. Confused??


I have a similar problem with no solution. I have a message in my outbox that
I can neither send or delete. This prevents me from sending any e-mails from
that account. I can recieve them. I also have an AOL account that I can both
send and retrieve messages. Any help or suggestions. I cannot display this
message either, the error says my memory is low, which is not the case. ANY
help will be appreciated. THANKS

Gary VanderMolen

In order for Windows Live Mail to handle that MailTo link, it needs
to have that protocol assigned to it.
Open the Default Programs applet, which you can access either from
the Start menu or via the Control Panel, then click the first item:
"Set your default programs."
After a few seconds, a list of programs comes up. Click on Windows
Live Mail. If it doesn't respond with "This program has all its defaults"
then fix it by clicking on the option indicated by the first green arrow.


rick said:
when I try to send an email from an address obtained on the internet the
response is that Vista doesnt support HTTP and directs me to create an new
account. I tried to install WINDOWS Live Mail as it prompted. It
it but still doesnt recognise. When I'm in my MSN email account I cam send
and receive email. Confused??

Windows Mail won't connect to email servers using the HTTP protocol.

Windows Live Mail will connect to many, but not all, of them, but just
downloading it isn't enough to make it run. You have to install it after
download it.

If you have more questions about Windows Live Mail, you're likely
to get faster answers in the newsgroup meant for it:


Your idea of a similar problem is rather loose.

For your problem, download and install this hotfix, with Windows Mail
not running:

Although it's labelled as for mail stuck in the Outbox, it also works in
other folders. If you don't know whether you have a 32-bit version of
Vista or a 64-bit version, try the hotfix for the 32-bit version first.
Certain common antivirus programs, such as most of those from
Norton or McAfee, tend to cause stuck messages and other problems
in Windows Mail, although seldom immediately, so if you have such a
program, remember where to find the hotfix, and hope it will install
again if you need it again. A recent version of the Trend antivirus
program also causes various problems in Windows Mail. Problems
in Windows Mail caused by antivirus programs often cause incorrect
messages about running out of memory.

If the hotfix doesn't delete the problem message, it should at least
make it so that you can.

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