IE6 now overscrolling



When I used to scroll through a document or a web screen,
by clicking on the scroll bar the document or page would
scroll up or down one page.

Now when I scroll, it goes up or down about a page and a
half thus nullifying clicking on the scroll bar to read.

How do I corrrect this to just scroll up or down one page?


Mary Boldin

Go to the control panel, select mouse.

Whitin mouse, select the wheel tab. You should see an
option for number of lines at a time and page at a time.


Fuzzy Logic

When I used to scroll through a document or a web screen,
by clicking on the scroll bar the document or page would
scroll up or down one page.

Now when I scroll, it goes up or down about a page and a
half thus nullifying clicking on the scroll bar to read.

How do I corrrect this to just scroll up or down one page?

This is a result of a bug in the most recent IE security upgrade. Apparently
the only way to correct it is remove the security patch (not a good idea).
Or wait until MS releases a fix. PAGE UP/DOWN works.

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