

Gus Porteners

I am tearing my hair out, those few that are left........
A few years ago I installed Office XP Professional, version 2002.
To keep up with my role of voluntary tutor and manual writer for
SeniorNet members I updated some applications by installing the Office
and Teacher Edition 2003.
All has been going well until I come to using the Package for CD option
in PowerPoint.
Every time I try to write an album to a folder or CD I get the message
"The digital certificate for the PowerPoint viewer is invalid or has
been tampered with. To include the viewer, reainstall Package for CD and
the PowerPoint Viewer."
I have reinstalled PowerPoint 2003 now a number of times - always
hopeful - but always defeated.
What can I do? I value the few (grey) hairs left.....


It seems you may have a security setting on your system that is not allowing
the certificate for the PowerPoint feature. Update your security settings to
allow this certificate.

Gus Porteners

Thank you Ruth for the suggestion. I have tried, but no success. For
myself I shall have to use Roxio again and gather all the nesessary
files and links. I hope the students do not meet with the same problem.

Steve Rindsberg

I am tearing my hair out, those few that are left........
A few years ago I installed Office XP Professional, version 2002.
To keep up with my role of voluntary tutor and manual writer for
SeniorNet members I updated some applications by installing the Office
and Teacher Edition 2003.
All has been going well until I come to using the Package for CD option
in PowerPoint.
Every time I try to write an album to a folder or CD I get the message
"The digital certificate for the PowerPoint viewer is invalid or has
been tampered with. To include the viewer, reainstall Package for CD and
the PowerPoint Viewer."
I have reinstalled PowerPoint 2003 now a number of times - always
hopeful - but always defeated.
What can I do? I value the few (grey) hairs left.....

You're certain? I'm beginning to wonder whether after a certain point us
grayhairs aren't better off shaving it all. ;-)

Haven't acted on that theory yet but darned if I don't have the same problem as
you on not one but several PCs. I noticed that it started after applying SP1
to Office 2003. I can't suggest removing that as a feasible option, but I've
noticed, and so has at least one other user with a similar problem, that if you
remove the option to include the viewer, the Package for CD works.

Now if you then package for CD to a folder instead of trying to write directly
to a CD, you can then add the files the viewer needs to that folder and should
then be able to burn workable CDs to your heart's content.

Haven't tried it myself, to be honest.

Look back a few days worth of messages; I posted a list of the files needed
and how to edit the couple files that need it.

To get the files, see if you can find a friend whose Package for CD feature
works. Have them package you up a nothing litttle PPT file and send the

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