CPU Usage history color identification



What does the red line indicate in the Task Manager CPU Usage History? At
very low CPU usage, there are always a RED line and a Yellow line. What do
they mean?


What does the red line indicate in the Task Manager CPU Usage History? At
very low CPU usage, there are always a RED line and a Yellow line. What do
they mean?

Red shows the amount of time spent in kernel mode, the other shows the time
spent in user mode.


GEVan said:

What is kernel mode?

The x86 processor in your computer runs in two modes, user and protected or
kernel mode. Programs run in user mode, the windows core processes such as
the Windows Executive, Hal, drivers, and the graphics subsystem run in
kernel mode. This is to separate user programs from the OS internals for a
variety of reasons. It's too involved to get into in a newsgroup. Do some
reading on it. A Google search is a good place to start.


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