Copy pictures to a folder on my computer



Copy pictures to a folder on my computer using Microsoft
Scanner and Camera Wizard no longer works when I put my
CD of pictures in the drive. This use to work just fine
and now all of a sudden it will not do this function.
Does anyone know how to fix this. The autoplay seems to
run just fine.

Yves Alarie

When you click on Copy pictures, tell us what happens. You get a message?
Nothing happens?


When I click on it, nothing happens at all.
-----Original Message-----
When you click on Copy pictures, tell us what happens. You get a message?
Nothing happens?


Yves Alarie

OK. Before clicking on Copy, did you select files (pictures) to copy?
When you open the CD, you see the files listed on it.
To copy them back on your hard drive, you have to select them. For example,
you open the CD, you see the files listed on the CD, you want to copy all of
them back on your hard drive. Hold the Ctrl key down and press the letter A.
This select all the files on the CD (file names will be highlighted in
blue), then click on Copy.
If you do this, does copying happens? Or nothing happens?


It runs through the autoplay okay but then when I have
the choice of "What do you want windows to do?
Copy pictures to a folder on my computer using Microsoft
Scanner and Camera Wizard.
View a slide show of the images. etc."
This is where I use to alway pick the Copy pictures to a
folder on my computer.....and it had always worked
before. Now it does not. I have tried the autoplay fix
that I have seen you post in other messages and have done
everything else you have suggested to other to try and
fix it but nothing has worked. This is really bothering

Any new suggestions?

Yves Alarie

I can't figure out why this command does not work.
Try another command on the list such as View a slide show. Does this work?
Also on the list is Open with Windows Explorer. Can you try this and see if
this works? If this works you will see your file list, just select the files
you want to copy and look at the menu on the left and click on Copy. Not as
versatile as the Copy pictures to a folder... but at least it will get the
job done.
If the above does not work, open My Computer and look under Devices with
removable storage. Double click on your CD drive to open it. Your list of
files will be shown. Select the files you want and click on the Copy command
on the left of the listed files.

As far as I know, this is the first time that this error is reported here
and I can't figure out why this is happening. Maybe somebody will pick this
up and come up with the answer.


I was looking for an answer to the same issue...almost, mine is a flash card that shows as removable drive G. It no longer brings up the autoplay choices. It is my camera disk, but it thinks it is mixed media or something. Is there a way I can start the camera wizard so I get the "Copy to folder..." option? I tried the Run command, but it did nothing.

John Inzer

bh said:
I was looking for an answer to the same issue...almost,
mine is a flash card that shows as removable drive G. It
no longer brings up the autoplay choices. It is my
camera disk, but it thinks it is mixed media or
something. Is there a way I can start the camera wizard
so I get the "Copy to folder..." option? I tried the Run
command, but it did nothing.
Windows Picture Acquisition Wizard

If your digital camera is not recognized...
try going to...Control Panel / Scanners and
Cameras / Add an imaging device...


John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
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Picture It! Support Center

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