Cannot access Secure News Server (SSL Connection)



Can you right click on the error message and copy all of it (usually about
two paragraphs) to your next message? Few people are very good about
guessing all the parts of it that offer useful information.

Also, if you use Outlook Express instructions under Windows Mail, don't
expect any sets of instructions that call for the HTTP protocol to work
under Windows Mail. Sets of Outlook Express instructions that call for
some other protocol, or don't tell you to change the default protocols,
will probably work under Windows Mail, though.

Gary VanderMolen

I have no experience with secure (SSL) news servers.
Does Windows Mail work for you using standard (non-secure) news servers?


I'm having the same problem - it started on Thursday, July 13. Both my MS
Vista Machine and my MS XP laptop give the exact same message. I haven't
called comcast yet; I think that I'll send them an e-mail asking what they
know about it. If anybody else finds a solution, let us know.



I've had similar problems with Outlook Express/Vista

Can you tell me how to get outlook express on Vista? I really am having all
sorts of problems with Vista's Window Mail...

R. C. White

Hi, dkat.

Outlook Express will not run on Vista. Windows Mail will not run on WinXP.
Windows Live Mail will run on both WinXP and Vista.

Both OE and WM are now dead-end products that Microsoft will no longer
improve or support. They would like us all to move to WLM.

Many of us prefer WLM, which you can download for free from:
Windows Live Mail

The peer-to-peer support newsgroup for WLM is at (Ignore the word desktop; it was
dropped from the name of the program over a year ago.)

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail 2008 in Vista Ultimate x64 SP1)

Mr. Arnold

dkat said:

Can you tell me how to get outlook express on Vista? I really am having
sorts of problems with Vista's Window Mail...

What kinds of problems are you having with WM?

You can also use the free Thunderbird email client program on Vista if you
opt not to use WM; it's very good.

Paul Montgomery

On Aug 18, 3:46 pm, "Mr. Arnold" a.k.a. Anti on Chicken
Little(s), Little Mad Dog, The Lone Ranger, The Lone Ranger1,
Junk Yard Dog, General Paul Montgomery, General Paul
Montgomery1, General Paul Montgomery2, General Paul Montgomery3,
General Paul Montgomery4, General Paul Montgomery5, General Paul
Montgomery6, General Paul Montgomery7, and Paul Montgomery 9000
You can also use the free Thunderbird email client program on Vista if you
opt not to use WM; it's very good.

He should know: He's tested it with all of the above monikers during
the past 10 days.

OH... and he's also tested it using my name and email address as
well. You can tell it's him by checking the headers and looking for
the originating IP or

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