Cannot access Secure News Server (SSL Connection)


Ray Konopka

Hi Everyone,

I have a new Vista machine and I am trying to setup Windows Mail
to access a private newsgroup that requires a secure connection (SSL)
{Advanced Page in Newsgroups Properties - port 563}.

Anyway, after creating the news account, I then try to access the
newsgroup list. Almost immediately, I get a message that says
that "The TCP/IP connection was unexpectedly terminated by the

The odd thing is that I have my old machine, which is running
Win XP SP2 and using Outlook Express 6, and it has no problems
accessing the private newsgroup.

I have verified that all the information is correct. I also do not have
any problems accessing normal newsgroups (i.e. non SLL connections).

Any information would be most helpful.



Ray Konopka said:
Hi Everyone,

I have a new Vista machine and I am trying to setup Windows Mail
to access a private newsgroup that requires a secure connection (SSL)
{Advanced Page in Newsgroups Properties - port 563}.

Anyway, after creating the news account, I then try to access the
newsgroup list. Almost immediately, I get a message that says
that "The TCP/IP connection was unexpectedly terminated by the

The odd thing is that I have my old machine, which is running
Win XP SP2 and using Outlook Express 6, and it has no problems
accessing the private newsgroup.

I have verified that all the information is correct. I also do not have
any problems accessing normal newsgroups (i.e. non SLL connections).

Any information would be most helpful.

I've had similar problems with Outlook Express/Vista but
for some reason or another (sorry to say I don't know why)
I can work around it by using Thunderbird instead.
I'm going to get my ISP (BT) on the case and if I get any joy
I'll let you know.


Ray Konopka

Hi Julian,

Thunderbird wont work because it does not allow me to enter two
different newsgroup accounts that have the same server. One
account is for public newsgroups, the other account is for
private newsgroups. Thunderbird does not allow you to enter
in two accounts that point to the same server.



Ray Konopka said:
Hi Julian,

Thunderbird wont work because it does not allow me to enter two
different newsgroup accounts that have the same server. One
account is for public newsgroups, the other account is for
private newsgroups. Thunderbird does not allow you to enter
in two accounts that point to the same server.


BTW I just has the same error again and follwed the autoroute back here for
and by the time I had checked these posts the problem had resolved itself. ie.
I immediately downloaded more newsgroup posts without any intervention
on my part.

Since we last "spoke" I have applied a hotfix...


I'm a student with the University of Phoenix. I need to be able to gain
access to secure newsgroups through windows mail for class purposes. PLEASE
HELP ME. When I purchased my computer in May, I was informed that Vista was
compatiable with my online classes. If you do not have a solution to this
problem I will have to return this laptop and demand Windows XP Professional.
Which is the software that I requested from the start.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Mary Lowery said:
I'm a student with the University of Phoenix. I need to be able to gain
access to secure newsgroups through windows mail for class purposes.
HELP ME. When I purchased my computer in May, I was informed that Vista
compatiable with my online classes. If you do not have a solution to this
problem I will have to return this laptop and demand Windows XP
Which is the software that I requested from the start.

Vista and Windows Mail are compatible with your needs. Follow the
instructions you are given for setting up Outlook Express, but do it in
Windows Mail. If you can't do that you won't be able to do it in WinXP


I am in the same boat. I can't get my UoP stuff to work in Windows Mail. I
grabbed my old laptop and tried and it works fine.

Any suggestions? Is there a setting or something I'm supposed to do in
Windows Mail? I can't get my UoP email working either. :(

Please help.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Renee said:
I am in the same boat. I can't get my UoP stuff to work in Windows Mail.
grabbed my old laptop and tried and it works fine.

Any suggestions? Is there a setting or something I'm supposed to do in
Windows Mail? I can't get my UoP email working either. :(

Please help.

Does UoP not have instructions on their Web site for setting up WinMail?

If not, follow their instructions for Outlook Express. The setup is the
same in the two programs.


No, UoP doesn't offer instructions for WinMail, so I followed the OE
instructions. My newsgroups show up fine but I get the TCP/IP error. I
followed the same process on my XP box running OE6 and it all works fine.


Hi, the message says:

"The TCP/IP connection was unexpectedly terminated by the server."

Details are:

Protocol: NNTP
Port: 563
Secure(SSL): 1
Code: 800ccc0f

Gary VanderMolen

I have no way of verifying whether your server name is correct.

However, Windows Mail has a default NNTP setting that some servers don't like.
Go to Tools, Options, Send, in the News Sending Format section click on
Plain Text Settings and change the format to Uuencode.

Gary VanderMolen


I learned that the news server I was having this problem with was using an
old obsolete encryption method that windows mail does not support. You might
be able to use stunnel ( to make it work. I did not try stunnel.
The news server I am using is updating there server so I opted to wait. You
could contact your news server admin and ask them if they have plans to
update the encryption mechanism so it is compatible with Windows Mail.


Thanks, guys. I tried the first suggestion posted by Gary. No luck.

I am calling UoP tech support, but I have a feeling I'm SOL. They are not
officially supporting OE anymore for classroom participation. They are
trying to move everyone to a web based interface :( Unfortunately, I'm
disconnected 90% of the time when I do school work, so this is not practical
to me.

Can you get OE to just load and work on Vista?????

Gary VanderMolen

No, OE won't install on Vista.
We had some University of Phoenix news server issues here a
couple of months ago, but I don't remember if the problem was
the same as yours. I purge all posts older than one month.

Gary VanderMolen


I just got up and working. UoP TS was great.

The suggestion from Gary wasn't the answer this time. (Thanks though.)

Turns out you have to load the newsgroups and then in WinMail:

Tools --> accounts --> click on the class newsgroup --> properties

Under General tab:
Name must be in there
UoP email address must be in there ([email protected])

Under Server tab:
Check "This server requires me to logon"
Enter UoP username
Enter UoP password
Check "Remember password"

Under Advanced tab:
Ensure NNTP is 563
Ensure "This server requires SSL" is checked.

VOILA. It's working.

Thanks for the suggestions and help! I wanted to post my resolution for any
other UoP folks that are wanting the answer.

Gary VanderMolen

Thanks for the feedback. I need to save this someplace because
I'm sure we'll get other UoP folks with the same issue.

Gary VanderMolen


Gary, they don't "officially" support the OE or WinMail solutions either.

If you do run into it again, the utility is hidden to the student now.

When someone logs into their UoP online account, they simply change a little
in the address bar after getting in to find the old utility.

The address upon logon:

They have to change it to:

That will bring up the utility to download newsgroups for them.


The TCP/IP connection was unexpectedly terminated by the server. I am
another person with same problems. The default newsgroup Port was 563 & I've
also tried 119 but neither works. Using the settings off the web and other
email works and this was working a few weeks ago. Using the check box for
SSL and it comes up with Colde:800ccc0f.

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