jim said:
Thank you olorin, that has worked by pasteing them into system32 and
making a
shortcut, i dont know how i managed to delete them. The shop where i
the computer from said that he would put it on for me and give me a disk
take home when i got home however the disk was not there and thought i
make a back up, but all attempts so far have failed. Do you know where i
get a windows xp home edition repair disk or os disk please mate and
I believe the seller had an obligation to provide you with a disc or means
of making one - at the least, some means for you to be able to bring the
system back to the state it was in when you walked out of the shop.
You can't make one yourself from your installation (wouldn't that be a good
idea!) - only perhaps from a special partition that the maker might have
created with the necessary files in.
So rather than *you* running around trying to rustle a disc up, I'd say your
first step should be to contact the seller and get one from *him*, if that's
at all possible.
Other than that, it depends on exactly what version of XP you've got - OEM
or retail. You might be able to get a disc from the makers, eg Dell, Compaq
etc, via their website for a fee - though you said you have XP Home so I
think that narrows it down - I'm not sure it can be OEM and Home, others
here will jump in on that. There are different flavours of OEM, too.
re the Internet Games which you also said you're missing: here are the
shortcut names and names of the files they point to so you can re-create
Internet Spades - target: "C:\Program Files\MSN Gaming
Zone\Windows\shvlzm.exe" - Start in: %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%
Internet Reversi - "C:\Program Files\MSN Gaming Zone\Windows\Rvsezm.exe",
rest the same
Internet Checkers - "C:\Program Files\MSN Gaming Zone\Windows\chkrzm.exe"
Internet Backgammon - "C:\Program Files\MSN Gaming Zone\Windows\bckgzm.exe"
Internet Hearts - "C:\Program Files\MSN Gaming Zone\Windows\hrtzzm.exe"
Were there others? I also have Spider Solitaire and Pinball in mine...