XP upgrade



When upgrading to XP from NT 4.0 -- now having video problems 640x480 16
color cannot change. Can I rollback drivers to the NT drivers or upgrade the
drivers at this time?

Wesley Vogel

Get video drivers from the manufacturer of your video card, not from Windows

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


Bruce Chambers

Flint said:
When upgrading to XP from NT 4.0 -- now having video problems 640x480 16
color cannot change. Can I rollback drivers to the NT drivers or upgrade the
drivers at this time?

Have you tried installing the video card manufacturer's
WinXP-specific drivers for the computer's video adapter? It's highly
unlikely that WinNT-specific drivers would work, although, in some
cases, Win2K-specific drivers might function properly with WinXP. If
the video card manufacturer doesn't provide drivers for more modern
operating systems, you may have to consider replacing the video adapter.


Bruce Chambers

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