XP update Service Pack 1 problem



When I run Windows Update, it tells me that I need Service Pack 1, even
though this is a new computer. It seems that Service Pack 2 is already
installed. When I then try to install SP 1, it seems to be hung up. I hear
that it takes awhile to install, but today after 5 hours I decided that was
ridiculous. Oh, and I am on High Speed. Anyone know what might be wrong?


""SP1 has nothing whatsoever to do with Windows"? Please elucidate on the
wierd statement.

Miss Perspicacia Tick

Cybernana said:
When I run Windows Update, it tells me that I need Service Pack 1,
even though this is a new computer. It seems that Service Pack 2 is
already installed. When I then try to install SP 1, it seems to be
hung up. I hear that it takes awhile to install, but today after 5
hours I decided that was ridiculous. Oh, and I am on High Speed. Anyone
know what might be wrong?

It is becoming quite clear to me that people do not read the description of
what they are installing, nor do they bother to search for answers to
problems. I have answered this question four times this week! SP1 has
nothing whatsoever to do with Windows (the names of the downloads are all in
bold, so I don't understand why people don't see them) it's SP1 for the .NET

If you install Windows updates this blindly - how blase are you about
installing other things on your computer - things that might not do it much


'Tick' - "Any of two families of small parasitic arachnids with barbed
proboscis; feed on blood of warm-blooded animals"
I think that sums it up.
I suggest you ignore anything posted by this sarcastic person & just check
for construcive advice.

The situation as far as I know is as follows -
Xp was released, then there followed a series of Critical Updates over a
period of time.
Then MS released Service Pack (SP1) , which consolidated all the
previousCritical Updates

Recently, SP2 was released , which is a composite of SP1 & supercedes it, a
it contains ALL the previous fixes & does NOT need SP
1 to be installed.
Clean you whole system with a good Anti-virus program, run a good basic
program such as RegSupreme to clean all the rubbish out. then install SP2


Thanks John,

That's the confusing thing. This is a new computer and is running
SP2........therefore I don't understand why they come up and say it's a
critical update for SP1. I'll just hide that notice for the future, and do
nothing. Appreciate your reply.


If I had a new system with a legit XP CD install & the full SP2 (272 MB)
download installed (or their equiv. CD of the same 272 MB size), and kept
getting that message, I'd be straight on the phone to MS - if I got no
sensible reply or help from the replier, I'd immediately insist on speaking
to their Supervisor. That gets them off their bum quick smart & often gets
you upgraded to someone who knows what they're talking about.

I live in OZ but it works every time. That kicks off what they call 'the
escalation system' - but make sure You have all your facts right first (and
if you manage to do it that way, the best part is "No Charge", as they are
both their products & responsibility to support.)


Thx for advice, from a grateful Canadian......I think I'll do that next week

Michael Katz [MVP]

What Ms. Tick was referring to, albeit colourfully, was that the SP1 was
applied to the .NET Framework; it wasn't referring to the XP Service Pack 1
package. The two are separate. Since you had XP Service Pack 2 installed,
Windows Update wasn't prompting you to download the older version. Rather,
it was offering an update for .NET, which should be installed. That it
wasn't installing is another problem altogether.

You can remove .NET Framework through Add/Remove and attempt to reinstall
it. You can download it from here too:


I hope that helps.

Michael Katz
[Microsoft MVP - MSN Client]
"There's no I in 'team' but there is 'me'"

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