XP takes hours to load



I have recently had problems with the hardware on my machine and have had to flash the bios. This has resolved the hardware issues
Unfortunately this resulted in a few software glitches and I have had to reinstall XP over the present XP O/S
This has obviously roled back my config to its original state
The problem I have encountered is when I have applied the SP1 my machine now takes hours (approx 4 hours) to load
The PC checks all hardware and config ok it then hangs on the XP screen with the scanning bar for hours then loads ok
Once XP is running evrything works ok. My original machine config has worked with no problems until being reinstalled after bios upgrade

machine spe
Abit KG7 lite motherboar
512 mb pc2100 ddr ra
AMD 1.4ghz cp
Abit siluro fx5600 graphic
40gb primary hard driv
120 gb secondary hard driv
pioneer DVD rom dirv
pioneer dvdrw +/- drive

Jim Macklin

My computer is a 1.7 GHz Celeron and it boots (loads Windows
XP Pro w SP1) in about 45-50 seconds. Fours indicates you
have a bad BIOS setting and a badly corrupted install.

I think I would save my data, check all the BIOS settings,
and do a format and clean install of the OS and

| Hi,
| I have recently had problems with the hardware on my
machine and have had to flash the bios. This has resolved
the hardware issues.
| Unfortunately this resulted in a few software glitches and
I have had to reinstall XP over the present XP O/S.
| This has obviously roled back my config to its original
| The problem I have encountered is when I have applied the
SP1 my machine now takes hours (approx 4 hours) to load.
| The PC checks all hardware and config ok it then hangs on
the XP screen with the scanning bar for hours then loads ok.
| Once XP is running evrything works ok. My original machine
config has worked with no problems until being reinstalled
after bios upgrade.
| machine spec
| Abit KG7 lite motherboard
| 512 mb pc2100 ddr ram
| AMD 1.4ghz cpu
| Abit siluro fx5600 graphics
| 40gb primary hard drive
| 120 gb secondary hard drive
| pioneer DVD rom dirve
| pioneer dvdrw +/- drive

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