Well, after having resolved some of my problems
subsequent to installing then un-installing Windows
Service Pack 2 (after multiple Firewall problems), I
would like to take another run at it. Anyone know how to
re-install SP2? None of the automatic Windows XP
download sites work for me now, since I guess the website
thinks I have SP2 already but does not recognize that I
un-installed it.

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

JTW said:
Well, after having resolved some of my problems
subsequent to installing then un-installing Windows
Service Pack 2 (after multiple Firewall problems), I
would like to take another run at it. Anyone know how to
re-install SP2? None of the automatic Windows XP
download sites work for me now, since I guess the website
thinks I have SP2 already but does not recognize that I
un-installed it.

I suggest you download the full SP2 installation and use it
to install SP2.

SP2 is available at the Microsoft Download Center
(standalone"network" version, 266 MB):


If you think that download is to large, you can get the same
file on a CD from Microsoft.

The Windows XP SP2 CD order point:

Also, you should clean out this folder (WU5's temporary download
folder) to get rid of the SP2 temporary installation files from
your previous installation:


(%windir% is typically C:\Windows)


Thanks for your help!

Jeff Whitmer

-----Original Message-----


I suggest you download the full SP2 installation and use it
to install SP2.

SP2 is available at the Microsoft Download Center
(standalone"network" version, 266 MB):

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx? FamilyID=049c9dbe-3b8e-4f30-8245-9e368d3cdb5a

If you think that download is to large, you can get the same
file on a CD from Microsoft.

The Windows XP SP2 CD order point:
http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/updates/sp2/ cdorder/en_us/default.mspx

Also, you should clean out this folder (WU5's temporary download
folder) to get rid of the SP2 temporary installation files from
your previous installation:


(%windir% is typically C:\Windows)

torgeir, Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of
the 1328 page Scripting Guide:
http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/default.msp x


-----Original Message-----
Well, after having resolved some of my problems
subsequent to installing then un-installing Windows
Service Pack 2 (after multiple Firewall problems), I
would like to take another run at it. Anyone know how to
re-install SP2? None of the automatic Windows XP
download sites work for me now, since I guess the website
thinks I have SP2 already but does not recognize that I
un-installed it.
Just remove SP2 in Add/Remove programs. Then when your
machine has re configured itself, install SP2 again

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