Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Having a new computer says nothing about compatibility issues and very
little about the computer being clean unless you attempted to install
SP-2 the very first thing out of the box.


NoNoBadDog! said:
The OP has English as his native language. BTW, I am fluent in 3
languages. How many languages are you fluent in?

I just had to grin at that sentence while following this thread. That last
sentence isn't grammatically correct! :)


RobertPatrick said:
SP2 wrecked my PC.
All of a sudden my DVD-RW drive won't work. Nothing is able to fix it. I
uninstalled SP2. Still can't read or burn a DVD. Store bought DVDs won't
play,either. Then I did System Restore and that didn't work, either.
I think MS released SP2 knowing that it was a bunch of junk.
Now I have to haul my PC to the shop and PAY to have it fixed.

MS = more shit.

MS killed your burner. Nothing to do with you at all, MS caused it.

Gee, I wonder why, on all the machines on which I have installed SP2, I
haven't had a single problem even to the point of a tax agent sending in tax
returns through a VPN to the tax dept? Maybe because I thought ahead and
made sure? Possibly. Maybe because SP2 doesn't really cause the problems so
much as people without a clue who really cause most problems? More than


Please specify what you mean?


Interrogative said:
I just had to grin at that sentence while following this thread. That last
sentence isn't grammatically correct! :)

David Nimon

If I remember (great possibility NOT!), the OP is referring to the rule that
sentences aren't supposed to end with a preposition.

Herb Fritatta

David said:
If I remember (great possibility NOT!), the OP is referring to the rule that
sentences aren't supposed to end with a preposition.

Winston Churchill's response when asked whether he thought it proper to
end a sentence with a preposition: "It is something up with which I
will not put."



Winston Churchill had a remarkable sense of humor which served him well
during the darkness of WWII.



MS killed your burner. Nothing to do with you at all, MS caused it.

That's right.
Gee, I wonder why, on all the machines on which I have installed SP2,
I haven't had a single problem even to the point of a tax agent
sending in tax returns through a VPN to the tax dept?

I don't care about your stupid tax problems. Maybe you should have filed
them in the year they were due.

Maybe because I
thought ahead and made sure? Possibly. Maybe because SP2 doesn't
really cause the problems so much as people without a clue who really
cause most problems? More than likely!
Yes, MS hosed my DVD burner. The only thing changed was SP2.
SP2 is worthless, as your blatherings.

Barry Watzman

Sorry, tens of millions of people have installed SP2 with no problems at
all. I have a DVD burner (I have 3 optical drives, in fact), and mine
wasn't hosed. Yours probably wasn't either.

What PROBABLY happened was this:

XP does not, in and of itself, support DVD playback. Not XP (original),
XP SP1 or XP SP2. To get DVD playback, you need a non-Microsoft MPEG
Codec. You probably had one from some other product, and if you have
one, XP will use it. But installing SP2 may have made it necessary to
reinstall the codec, it is, after all, a new operating system. But I'm
guessing that the DVD drive itself is fine, is still present in "my
computer" and will still see and access both CDs and DVDs (note
"accessing" them is not the same as "playing" them).

What I'd do now is upgrade to Windows media player 10, try the DVD
player to play movies, if it doesn't work, reinstall whatever
non-Microsoft DVD software you had, which will reinstall the codec.
This is probably the DVD playback software that came with your DVD
burner (Power DVD or whatever). Normally, this isn't necessary, but in
your case, for whatever reason, it apparently is.

Alex Nichol

David said:
If I remember (great possibility NOT!), the OP is referring to the rule that
sentences aren't supposed to end with a preposition.

I remember hearing a little song with that as the punch line; a small
boy seeing workmen struggling to get a piano up from a basement:

"Mother why do
They try to get that
Up from out of down under there?"

cquirke (MVP Win9x)

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 09:51:35 -1000, "NoNoBadDog!"
The OP has English as his native language. BTW, I am fluent in 3 languages.
How many languages are you fluent in?

Two. Many folks in South Africa are fluent in three, but spend most
of thier time using thier second or third language - and being judged
as deficient by those proficiant in that language (typically English).

In my case, I'm proficient in English, but can speak or understand
nothing in South African languages that have the largest user bases.

It's easier to be mindful of the Babel effect in Africa or Europe,
both of which are full of tribal enclaves with different languages,
than in a more monocultural environment like northern USA.

-------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
"I think it's time we took our
friendship to the next level"
'What, gender roles and abuse?'


Yep but everybody does it. The thing that always gets me is if you are going
to correct someone's spelling or grammar, you shouldn't make the same
mistakes. :)


RobertPatrick said:
That's right.

I don't care about your stupid tax problems. Maybe you should have filed
them in the year they were due.

You're an idiot.
Maybe because I
Yes, MS hosed my DVD burner. The only thing changed was SP2.
SP2 is worthless, as your blatherings.

Nope. You just couldn't get a clue no matter HOW many vowels you bought!


Barry Watzman said:
What I'd do now is upgrade to Windows media player 10, try the DVD player
to play movies, if it doesn't work, reinstall whatever

I wouldn't do that were I him. It has a problem with playback of streaming
media over the net. WMP9 didn't have that problem.


I guess being a new cumber has it advantages, for I haven't had a proplem
that couldn't be fixed. The only thing is it blocked some of my games, but
short of that WORKS GREAT

Country boy ncrednek

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