xp security



I have winxp pro, with the lastest service pack, and
updates. I took my laptop to a repair place did not tell
them what my password was, but they were able to reset my
password to blank with some utility, thus enabling them
to get in. So when I went back to the shop, all they had
to do is click on my username at the login screen, with
no password, and it went right into my profile. where's
the security in that Bill?

Melvin Ho

Hi, did you set the password for the Administrator account? If you didn't
and it's left as blank, they can boot into Administrator account in Safemode
and disable the password for other profiles.



I'm not an MS expert by any means. I primarily use Linux
at home. I can tell you that security on a box is
primarily to keep the remote bad guys out. I have heard
that it is impossible to secure a box from someone who
has physical access to it if they know what they are
doing. Turning it off with some sort of mechanical lock
is about it, I think. The box must be physically secured
if that is an issue. Not wearing a black hat myself, I
don't know the ins and outs of how to get in to every
system, but I have heard this from some folks who work in
computer security.



If someone has physical access to your computer it is very easy to get in.
Password reset disks(or similiar programs) or the hidden admin account that
you probably never password protected. If you password all user accounts,
including the hidden admin account, then it becomes much harder to get in,
but there always has to be a way to get in if you have physical access to a
machine, just in case you forget your password.


Melvin said:
Hi, did you set the password for the Administrator account? If you
didn't and it's left as blank, they can boot into Administrator
account in Safemode and disable the password for other profiles.


As purplehaz said, if I have access to a box, I can get in. It doesn't
matter what operating system is running. I can get into a Linux box,
which certainly has generally better default security than Windows.
This has nothing to do with Bill Gates and everything to do with the
physical construction of computers and the structure of operating
systems. XP's password setup is quite good, far better than
non-existent security in Win9x/ME. If you are seriously concerned about
security at home, then unless you live with prying geeks, setting a
good password to your personal account is just fine and certainly


Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

What did you expect. Without physical security, you have *no*
security, regardless of the operating system. You turned your laptop
over to these people, so you presumably trusted them.

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH


-----Original Message-----
Greetings --

What did you expect. Without physical security, you have *no*
security, regardless of the operating system. You turned your laptop
over to these people, so you presumably trusted them.

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

ROFL Bruce! And this coming from the groups biggest
hypocrite! Look out for those hungry, hungry Hyppos!

Bill Gates has a severe case of cranial-rectal inversion
(otherwise he would use me), henceforth, people like us
getting stiffed!

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