XP Pro upgrade freezes computer



I have a ECS motherboard with 512 megs memory, AMD Athlon 2200+ CPU and a maxstor 80 gig drive
The OS was a fresh install and now sometimes at bootup and anythime thereafter my computer freezes and I am forced to reboot. This sometimes happens within seconds of booting and other times I can go for as long as :30 mins before it locks up on me
In "safe mode" while loading the drivers I notice that "c:\windows\system32\drivers\mup.sys" causes the system to halt and freeze at that point
I am pulling my hair out and cannot figure what to do
Would someone that has had this problem or knows of someone who has solved this issue pleas help


I am wondering why you are loading drivers in safe mode?

Did you check for compatibility issues first before
upgrading to XP?

In device manager do you see any yellow exclamation mark
symbols anywhere? Did you build this computer or is it an
OEM model like a Dell, HP etc.

Boxed motherboards usually come with an installation CD
that contains drivers and INF files to take advantage of
that boards particular chipset.

OEM computers come with system restore disks to reinstall
the original OS as it was when first bought. So,
installing a fresh copy of XP on an OEM board will wipe
out the chipset drivers/IMF files and can cause problems
if they are not reinstalled right after the OS
installation. A new boxed board has these files included
on CD.
Your only option might have to be restoring from the
original setup disks for your computer, then checking for
compatibility issues, clearing these up if any exist and
actually upgrading to XP. This way you have all the
chipset INF files for the board installed after the XP

-----Original Message-----
I have a ECS motherboard with 512 megs memory, AMD
Athlon 2200+ CPU and a maxstor 80 gig drive.
The OS was a fresh install and now sometimes at bootup
and anythime thereafter my computer freezes and I am
forced to reboot. This sometimes happens within seconds
of booting and other times I can go for as long as :30
mins before it locks up on me.
In "safe mode" while loading the drivers I notice
that "c:\windows\system32\drivers\mup.sys" causes the
system to halt and freeze at that point.
I am pulling my hair out and cannot figure what to do.
Would someone that has had this problem or knows of
someone who has solved this issue pleas help?


Thanks for all of the questions

I was loading drivers in the safe mode because I was doing a step by step confirmation of what was loading

Yes I did a compatibility check beforehand...both on the microsoft site and during installation

I did check and there was no Yellow exclimation marks

Yes I did build this maching myself. I have always built my own boxes and have done so for a decade

I installed the software and drivers that came with the motherboard after firing it up the first time

However, I have not tried to reinstall the motherboard files....thanks and I will try that and get back to you

Once again thank you for your time

Ridgerunner----- David wrote: ----

I am wondering why you are loading drivers in safe mode

Did you check for compatibility issues first before
upgrading to XP?

In device manager do you see any yellow exclamation mark
symbols anywhere? Did you build this computer or is it an
OEM model like a Dell, HP etc

Boxed motherboards usually come with an installation CD
that contains drivers and INF files to take advantage of
that boards particular chipset.

OEM computers come with system restore disks to reinstall
the original OS as it was when first bought. So,
installing a fresh copy of XP on an OEM board will wipe
out the chipset drivers/IMF files and can cause problems
if they are not reinstalled right after the OS
installation. A new boxed board has these files included
on CD.
Your only option might have to be restoring from the
original setup disks for your computer, then checking for
compatibility issues, clearing these up if any exist and
actually upgrading to XP. This way you have all the
chipset INF files for the board installed after the XP

-----Original Message----
I have a ECS motherboard with 512 megs memory, AMD
Athlon 2200+ CPU and a maxstor 80 gig drive
The OS was a fresh install and now sometimes at bootup
and anythime thereafter my computer freezes and I am
forced to reboot. This sometimes happens within seconds
of booting and other times I can go for as long as :30
mins before it locks up on me
In "safe mode" while loading the drivers I notice
that "c:\windows\system32\drivers\mup.sys" causes the
system to halt and freeze at that point
I am pulling my hair out and cannot figure what to do
Would someone that has had this problem or knows of
someone who has solved this issue pleas help



I was also wondering about your display card are the
drivers up to date and have you updated the bios lately?

An old or cheap Power supply can cause problems too..
Who makes the chipset for your model ECS mbo?

Keep in mind that incorrectly installed or corrupted
drivers can cause lockups too..

-----Original Message-----
Thanks for all of the questions.

I was loading drivers in the safe mode because I was
doing a step by step confirmation of what was loading.
Yes I did a compatibility check beforehand...both on the
microsoft site and during installation.
I did check and there was no Yellow exclimation marks.

Yes I did build this maching myself. I have always
built my own boxes and have done so for a decade.
I installed the software and drivers that came with the
motherboard after firing it up the first time.
However, I have not tried to reinstall the motherboard
files....thanks and I will try that and get back to you .

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