Xp Pro slow to get to the desktop and slow to shut down



After installing some critical patches (wish I knew exactly which ones), XP
now takes a really long time to get to the desktop after logon, and takes an
equally long time to shut down. I haven't timed it but I would estimate 3-5
minutes in each case, taking longer at shutdown. I tried creating a new
user, and the first time I logged in with that user, it got to the desktop
really quickly, then the next time I logged in it went back to being as slow
as the original account. The problem is clearly profile related.

After installing several critical updates, windows has made duplicate
profiles for reasons I presume must be security related. So for one account
I now have the profiles <username>, <username>.<machinename>,
<username>.<machinename>.001, and <username>~1~<part of machinename>.

I'm going to try moving all data files out of the profiles to see if it
makes any difference - but from the previous experience I described above, I
don't expect there to be any change. I have seen similar behaviour on
computers at work as well after installing updates.

Once the computer is at the desktop, performance is normal. I'd simply like
to know what is slowing it down at login and shutdown, and why the updates
have created multiple profiles for a single user. The machine is a P4
2.1GHz with 768MB DDR RAM. The OS drive is 7200RPM and UDMA4.

I scanned through current posts in the group and some other XP users appear
to be having similar problems.

Thanks in advance,

PS Apologies for the lack of a reply email address but it's a spam block.


blah said:
After installing some critical patches (wish I knew exactly which ones), XP
now takes a really long time to get to the desktop after logon, and takes an
equally long time to shut down.

To be a little more specific, what is taking a long time is for XP to
complete where it is "loading your settings" or "saving your settings". It
shouldn't take a long time, but I've no idea how to establish what is taking
so long. I've tried a number of the fixes which have been suggested
elsewhere for issues with XP taking a long time to shut down but they don't
seem to be related to this issue.



I have the exact same problem.

System sits there for at least 5 minutes loading personal

This is clearly a problem that needs addressed!

Ive tried everything I can think of and looked everywhere
for an answer.

Help anyone?


I'm running XP Home, with 6 identified users, 1 of which is an Administrator, and the other 3 main users are not. When we "change users", without logging off, it takes an inordinate amount of time for the new profile to be built. I'm sure it's a RAM clearance issue, but I can hardly think it's only a hardware deal. There must be a better way to switch users more quickly.

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