XP Pro machine wont boot from anywhere now



I was having trouble with MusicMatch. It said i was
missing some Runtime dll. I did a Restore. It didnt fix
it, i "Undid" the restore. Now the Dell 8300 with twin
mirror drives wont boot in normal mode. It wont boot in
SAFE mode. It wont boot saying "use last know good config".
I loaded some Chinese Translation software months ago
which i think wanted the machine to configure itself as a
server or something. Dont know if that is a key here. I
think Service Pack2 doesnt like something i had.
It wont boot from CD-ROM (not in Normal or Safe mode).
All i get now is the BIOS, the XP_Pro sreen for few
seconds, blank for a few seonds, then blue screen and this
text: "STOP: c0000135 {unable to locate conponent} This
application has failed to start because winsrv was not
found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

The problem is i can read, write or install anything
because the machine doesnt boot. This is NOT a hardware
problem. I know this is a software problem. just dont know
what to do now. Cant afford to lose some data on the drive
stack, dont care about operating system reload or
reloading drivers or applications.

Just want my wife to let me sleep in the house again.


Ron said:
I was having trouble with MusicMatch. It said i was
missing some Runtime dll. I did a Restore. It didnt fix
it, i "Undid" the restore. Now the Dell 8300 with twin
mirror drives wont boot in normal mode. It wont boot in
SAFE mode. It wont boot saying "use last know good config".
I loaded some Chinese Translation software months ago
which i think wanted the machine to configure itself as a
server or something. Dont know if that is a key here. I
think Service Pack2 doesnt like something i had.
It wont boot from CD-ROM (not in Normal or Safe mode).
All i get now is the BIOS, the XP_Pro sreen for few
seconds, blank for a few seonds, then blue screen and this
text: "STOP: c0000135 {unable to locate conponent} This
application has failed to start because winsrv was not
found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

The problem is i can read, write or install anything
because the machine doesnt boot. This is NOT a hardware
problem. I know this is a software problem. just dont know
what to do now. Cant afford to lose some data on the drive
stack, dont care about operating system reload or
reloading drivers or applications.

Just want my wife to let me sleep in the house again.

That particular error message is common of you've got a particular spyware
program on the computer. The easiest fix I've found is to do a repair
install with a slipstreamed SP2 CD.

Then do a scan for spyware. You'll probably be surprised at what you have.


I assume you mean for me to go get a CD with Service Pack2
on it? Not Sure if "slipstream" used here is a trade name.
Why do you think this will work when having the Operating
CD Servicxe Pack1 in the CD-ROM doesnt allow it to boot or
re-install the Operating System?

i can do this...just wonder why this will work.

Thanks !



Hi Will,
Well at least here is some information !!
Thank you..I'll read thru this and see what i still can do.

Will Denny


The problem you have ought to be sorted out before you upgrade to SP2. The
way *not* to fix any problem with SP1 is to install SP2. There 'may' be
another underlying problem causing the BSOD.


I assume you mean for me to go get a CD with Service Pack2
on it? Not Sure if "slipstream" used here is a trade name.

You can make your own slipstreamed CD using your Windows XP CD and SP2.
There are plenty of directions on how to do it on the web, and it's a handy
thing to have for future installs Basically, it's the install with SP2
integrated into it, so there's just one CD and it all installs at the same
time -- no need to install the service pack afterwards.
Why do you think this will work when having the Operating
CD Servicxe Pack1 in the CD-ROM doesnt allow it to boot or
re-install the Operating System?

Because now you've got SP2 installed, so when you try to reinstall withan
SP1 CD, it reports that you're trying to install an older version over a
newer version. It thnks you're trying to "downgrade" which isn't allowed.
It's like the people who are trying to upgrade from Home with SP2 to Pro
with SP1 -- the message is that you can't downgrade the OS -- it's looking
at the service pack version.

But it should still boot from the CD.l If it's not booting from the CD, then
there could be a problem with the CD itself, or you don't have the bios set
to boot from CD first. If you just mean that it doesn't boot into Windows,
that's the problem that the repair install should fix.

i can do this...just wonder why this will work.

As far as why it works to fix the bluescreen, I don't know, but I know I've
fixed computers with your error message by doing just that. Someone had
theorized that some file that the spyware has messed with doesn't get
upgraded properly when you install the SP2 update, but it gets replaced when
you do the repair install with the slipstreamed CD so the problem goes away.
I don't know if that's true or it's something else, all I know is that it's
worked for me. I tend not to question sucess.

I've also seen some pretty complex instructions for fixing that error
message you're getting. If you do a search for that C000whatever number,
you'll probably find a few. But the repair install is the easy way to go,
and then you've still got SP2 installed, so it's less trouble overall.

Good luck

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