XP Loses Monitor Settings



My PC and laptop share my 21" Cybervision C112 monitor
through an A/B switch. If the PC is booted up with the
switch in the wrong position it loses the monitor
configuration and I have difficulty getting the PC to
recognize the monitor again.

Can anyone offer any suggestions to correct this?

Yves Leclerc

XP is a plug and play OS. If the device does not exist when the PC/laptop
is turned on, XP hides the entry from Device Manager. However, when you
switch the monitor back to the powered on computer (PC/laptop), XP will the
do its "plug and play" detection. This is the same story with any manual
A/B switch (parallel printer, serial, vga etc..).

What may help you is a keyboard/video/mouse (KVM) switch. This type of
switch continues to accept/give signals to each of the connected PCs so that
the each can boot up normally and retain most of the configurations. You
would not need the connect a keyboard/mouse to the switch, since you do not
want to share a 104 key and regular mouse with the laptop (???). It is
just the video monitor you want to share. (I do not know if a switch with
just the video signal is available nut I do know that a KVM switch does what
you wish to do).


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