XP Home network problem.


Bruno Krondstadt


I'm grateful for anyone who can help me with this. It's driving me

I have two PCs on a network at home which work perfectly. Both use XP
Pro /SP2 via a Linksys BEFSR41 router.

I added a third PC over Christmas which is running XP Home.

When the PC was switched on for the first time, XP Home needed
activating and this worked fine.

Once installation was complete, it was not possible to browse the
internet with IE. Outlook, Windows messenger also didn't work..

The IP settings are correct - and the router is talking to it. I can
ping the router from the XP Home PC but nothing on the internet.

The internal network works fine - it can see a shared printer and the
two other PCs. It just won't work on the internet.

Firewall is disabled.

I've checked all the network configuration settings and they are the
same as the PCs that are able to connect to the internet.

Can anybody offer help with this.

Thanks in advance.


Bruno Krondstadt


Thanks very much for the link. I came across this earlier and went
through it all. The only difference with my setup is that I have the
firewall disabled.

This really has me stumped. I'm going to re-install the system
tomorrow if I can't get to the bottom of it.

What confuses me is that the activation worked - so it must have been
able to access the internet at the start.

If anyone has any other ideas - I'd be indebted.



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