XP Home Max resolution 1600X1200



I have a video card (Radeon 9800pro) that can display much higher resolutions yet 1600X1200 is the max Windows XP home will alow me to do. I thought that was just the max windows will display until I was on a friends computer with XP Pro and it could do resolutions as high as 2048 X 1536. So do the poor home users who have beefy video cards and monitors that can handle the resolutions get hosed because they didn't want to spend a fortune for XP pro?

Is there some way to make windows xp home give me higher resolutions? Don't even know if my games will allow me to go higher because of this but I know my comptuer can.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Whether you have XP Home or XP Pro, the resolution of your
monitor is dictated by the maximum screen resolution your
monitor was designed to support. Did you install the drivers
for your monitor?

Also try this:

Open Display Properties and go to Settings > Advanced > Adapter >
List all Modes....

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| I have a video card (Radeon 9800pro) that can display much higher resolutions yet 1600X1200 is the max
Windows XP home will alow me to do. I thought that was just the max windows will display until I was on a
friends computer with XP Pro and it could do resolutions as high as 2048 X 1536. So do the poor home users
who have beefy video cards and monitors that can handle the resolutions get hosed because they didn't want to
spend a fortune for XP pro?
| Is there some way to make windows xp home give me higher resolutions? Don't even know if my games will
allow me to go higher because of this but I know my comptuer can.

Alex Nichol

scarab5 said:
I have a video card (Radeon 9800pro) that can display much higher resolutions yet 1600X1200 is the max Windows XP home will alow me to do.

It is also a matter of what resolutions and speeds your monitor will
support, which may well restrict things. If you go to Display -
Settings and click Advanced, then on the Monitor page uncheck 'Hide
modes the monitor does not support', the Adapter page (List all Modes)
will show you all that *it* can do. But don't choose one your monitor
cannot handle and bust things as a result.


Also, make sure that your Device Manager driver for your monitor
is correct & not "Plug & Play". Resolution/Refresh rates are specific
to the driver in use. Visit your monitor vendor's web-site and get the
latest monitor definition files. Once that is in place, you may be able
to achieve higher resolutions/refresh rates.

resolutions yet 1600X1200 is the max Windows XP home will alow me to do.

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