XP Home Logon Error Box CANT LOG IN HELP ME PLEASE!!!!



When I start up my PC I get to the Windows XP Home Login
Screen and instead of showing my Users and letting me
choose one to log into it brings up and error box that

User Environment

Windows cannot log you on because your profile cannot be
loaded. Check that you are connected to the network, or
that your network is functioning correctly. If this
problem persists, contact your network administrator.

DETAIL - The system has attempted to load or restore a
file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a
registry file format. "

The error box then counts down from 30 or I click OK and
instead of logging in the error box just comes back up and
starts the 30 second count again. This continues and I
cannot even log into my computer.
I am not on a network it is a single home desktop PC so I
do not understand why it is saying that I cannot connect
to the network because I AM ON NO NETWORK!!! When I put
the Windows XP Home disk in the drive and try and boot
from that it brings up errors. I cannot do anything on
this computer. (I am on another computer trying to get
help!!!!) How can I fix Windows if I cant even get into
Windows or the Dos prompt even??? Safe mode doesnt work,
nothing works. Please Help!!!!!!!!

Andre Da Costa

To restore the Welcome Screen, open Control Panel > User Accounts > Change
The way users log on > check "Welcome Screen" and Fast User Switching >
Apply Options.


Can't get into Windows That is the problem. This error
prevents me from doing anything. HELP!

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