XP Home Drive "classic" drive sharing


Bombastic Bushkin

I tried to share my C: drive on my laptop with XP home. From experimenting
and reading in this news group, apparently when you attempt to share the
drive in the same manner at is done with XP pro and every other version of
Windows since windows for workgroups 3.11 that has ever been on the market,
you cannot secure the share by restricting to certain users to setting the
share with a password, leaving your drive share wide open to the world,
including the internet. What the hell is Microsoft thinking in the way they
setup file sharing in XP home? Do they want people to hack your hard drive
and steal data off it?

Am I missing something here? Is the only way to share data with XP home by
horse hockeying around with dragging folders to "Shared Folders"? Good gawd,
as I learn more about it, it looks more and more to me that XP home is an
operating system for computers that use a TV set for a monitor.

Linux is looking better and better everyday.


1 - XP home can be tweaked to work just like XP pro. It's all there, its
just hidden.
2 - If you set your share up correctly the only one with access would be
those on the network. Unless you get hacked your shares aren't available to
the outside world, especially if you have a firewall, which everyone should
3 - Check this out:

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