XP frustratingly slow


Steve IA

I've been using Win98fe for years and bought a new to me Dell Dimension 2200
loaded with XP
The xp PC has a Celeron-s 1300 mhz, w/ 128mb sdram. The biggest difference I
see between the 2 systems is when I try to switch tasks (alt-tab) it takes
several seconds to complete the change compared to instantaneous with the
win98 box. Also to open the control panel takes 7 seconds from click to
open. This seems way too long. Is this just an XP thing?
I've run the AV, cwshredder, spybot, adaware. and found nothing. Since I'm
new to the XP, I don't know if the machine is naturally slow or if something
is affecting it.
Will more ram help? Thank you.


T. Waters

I am very happy with my 256 MB of memory.
Instantaneous task switching, one second or less to open Control Panel. But
memory is cheap. Just be sure to buy all new memory to replace what you
have, as mix-and-match can be problematic.

Gary S. Terhune

Really depends on what you do with it. For my graphics work, I've found
that even 1.5 GB of RAM is noticeably different than 2 GB, <s>.

Brian McMullen

Does "New to Me" mean that there is a newly installed version of XP on this
PC or that you simply created a new profile on a used PC?


Steve IA

Brian said:
Does "New to Me" mean that there is a newly installed version of XP on this
PC or that you simply created a new profile on a used PC?

I bought this used pc from a friend whose techie son had cleaned all the
friends stuff off of it and reloaded XP home sp2. The pc always had xp and
came with 128mg.

I took earlier advise and added 128mb ram and it's like a new machine. Quick
response, etc. I knew it was running poorly, but I was amazed how much
difference it made.
Thanks to all who responded.


Gary S. Terhune

Yup! My rule of thumb with MS platforms--double whatever they list and
you are getting into the neighborhood of realistic minimums.

Steve IA

Brian A. said:
Did your friend also provide you with the XP CD? If not you have an illegal OS
A few things you may want to know about activation as well?

Why yes he did. Nothing illegal here. Did I mention he was a 'friend'?

Oops, excuse me there's a knock on the door. Oh NO! I've been narced to the
OS Police!! Format C, dammit ! Format!! AAAArgghhhh!!! C a l l m
y l a w y e r.....



Actualy he doesn't neccesarily need an OS cd. It could be a oem version that
ships with just a restore partition on the drive and you acces it with a
funnction key combo. Becuase he left out it was a dell or maybe the case was
even changed and he doesn't know it was a mainbrand computer repackaged in a
white box for whatever reason doesn't mean that an absence of a cd makes
anythign ilegal.

And does it realy matter if it is a pirated version? What makes the
difference if it is an "illegal OS" Do you get some kind of kickback on each
pirated instal that is turned legit? Don't give me the line that pirace make
the product cost me more. Microsoft hsaw a huge reduction in piracy once
they implemented product activation as well as service packs disableing
activation. We havn't seen a price cut yet. What happens if he got a cd
and then lost it? does that mean it is automaticaly ilegal? What if the
original owners lost the cd and then sold it? does that make it an automatic
"ilegal os" for the owner because he doesn't have the cd? Licences terms are
contract (and in some cases not binding) and have nothing to do with "legal
and ilegal" Acording to copyright law, if you transfer the program (this
case being windows XP) you have to transfer all copies of it. If the copy
was lost and presumed destroyed, then he would have done exactly what was
required when transfering all copies of it. Nothign ilegal there move along

There are too many situation that border what you just considered an "ilegal
os" please tell me the significat differences in them and how they are
substantualy different enough to violate a law.


I'd offer you my gaggle of lawyers, but all you seem to really need
is... all that jazz, (not to mention a tinfoil hat).

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
should things get worse after this,
(e-mail address removed)
| "Brian A." wrote:
| >
| > Did your friend also provide you with the XP CD? If not you have an
illegal OS
| > installed.
| > A few things you may want to know about activation as well?
| > http://www.aumha.org/win5/a/wpa.htm
| >
| > --
| >
| > Brian A.
| >
| Why yes he did. Nothing illegal here. Did I mention he was a 'friend'?
| Oops, excuse me there's a knock on the door. Oh NO! I've been narced
to the
| OS Police!! Format C, dammit ! Format!! AAAArgghhhh!!! C a l l
| y l a w y e r.....
| Steve
| southiowa

Brian A.

jazz said:
Actualy he doesn't neccesarily need an OS cd.

Correct and I apoligize for the err of my ways. I did not intend to imply that
the OP had an illegal OS, although I see how it can be misconstrued as such. I
simply meant to point out that problems can arise without the proper
With that said, any installed MS OS, whether it is Retail or OEM, will have the
proper COA documentation and EULA provided with it for the consumer. If the OS
is transfered to another party/computer, the media/documentation must accompany
that transfer to be legal. Some OEM's even state in their EULA that the OS can
only be installed/used in the computer that it came shipped in.
It could be a oem version that
ships with just a restore partition on the drive and you acces it with a
funnction key combo.

The same applies here as above whether it is a RAM or Virtual drive. It doesn't
matter how the Install Setup Files or Image are accessed.
Becuase he left out it was a dell or maybe the case was
even changed and he doesn't know it was a mainbrand computer repackaged in a
white box for whatever reason doesn't mean that an absence of a cd makes
anythign ilegal.

Incorrect. Right off the bat the OP mentioned:
and bought a new to me Dell Dimension 2200 loaded with XP

This computer is shipped with a CD aptly named Operating System that offers
either Recovery or Install.
And does it realy matter if it is a pirated version?

As long as it's not in my possession, it doesn't.
What makes the
difference if it is an "illegal OS" Do you get some kind of kickback on each
pirated instal that is turned legit?

Nope, not at all, but this company does!

<snipped dribble>

BTW, your spell checkers not working.


Brian A.

Conflicts start where information lacks.

Brian A.

Steve IA said:
Why yes he did. Nothing illegal here. Did I mention he was a 'friend'?

Oops, excuse me there's a knock on the door. Oh NO! I've been narced to the
OS Police!! Format C, dammit ! Format!! AAAArgghhhh!!! C a l l m
y l a w y e r.....

Why the knock at the door? Why call your lawyer? You sarcasm is quite an
amusing 180 deg turn of events.

I did not intend to imply that you had an illegal OS, although I see how it can
be misconstrued as such and I apologize. I simply meant to point out that
problems can arise without the proper media/documentation.


Brian A.

Conflicts start where information lacks.


Brian A. said:
Correct and I apoligize for the err of my ways. I did not intend to imply that
the OP had an illegal OS, although I see how it can be misconstrued as such. I
simply meant to point out that problems can arise without the proper

Well, i didn't mean to come down on you so hard. I just get real frustrated
when people appear to be disimenating information about licenses as if it
was law when it is actualy a contract (wich maynot even be fully
enforcable). If i did apear too stong with my comments, i appoligize as
they were intended/frustrated more to the "illegal" wording rather then what
you specificaly posted.
With that said, any installed MS OS, whether it is Retail or OEM, will have the
proper COA documentation and EULA provided with it for the consumer. If the OS
is transfered to another party/computer, the media/documentation must accompany
that transfer to be legal. Some OEM's even state in their EULA that the OS can
only be installed/used in the computer that it came shipped in.

Almost right, In an ideal situation you are corect but if one part of the
acompaning media has been destroy, it can be overlooked. I have this from a
microsoft employie as well as U.S.C 17 states it. The pupose of the"all
documents, media ect.." is so that you don't retain part of the package and
that the package is one product sold exclusivly together were all material
acompaning it has to transfer with it. It is not intended to make you
replace the product if somethign happens to be destroyed. If the manual got
eaten by your dog or maybe the cd was melted by a ciguare or somehting and
you tossed it out, you still have legal right to transfer your ownership of
rights to use the material. If it is an OEM version then the sale would
include a nonperiprial computer part as part of the package and that part
would have to be included in the sale. OEM's like dell and HP would sell the
computer as the part were you can actualy buy an OEM verison of the
operating system with a stick of meory, hardrive, mainboard, processor ect.
In the case of an OEM version like dell or HP, the enitire computer would
have to be transfered were if you puchased it with a part, then the part
would be bound to it. It is however possible to upgrade parts of the
computer purchased form HP or dell and opnly have one of the original
componants left and still be in the psirit of the license.
The same applies here as above whether it is a RAM or Virtual drive. It doesn't
matter how the Install Setup Files or Image are accessed.
Back to the original, if it was an install partition, the cd wouldn't exist
to be transfered making it impossible to have a "legal" copy by means of
the first statment. Thats why it matters.
Incorrect. Right off the bat the OP mentioned:
and bought a new to me Dell Dimension 2200 loaded with XP

This computer is shipped with a CD aptly named Operating System that offers
either Recovery or Install.

Yes, i missed or overlooked the statment that it was a dell. ass for the cd
that it came with, i'll take your word for it. i don't know exactly what it
comes with rather i was making the case that it might not. I have no reason
to believe you would lie to us. i will take you word for it.
As long as it's not in my possession, it doesn't.

Nope, not at all, but this company does!

YES, they do get a kickback for it. they also act like they have more power
then they do. They came to a business i administrate demanding to audit the
licenses for software we supposedly run. I guess a disgruntled ex-employee
made a call to them. I recived the call and told the company not to let
them do anything until i could get my attourney and show up (i would have
ben liable for the licences). The BSA l;eft and came back with some US
Marshals and demanded to confiscate the equiptment and all our licenses. My
attourney as well as the companies attouneys ehld them at bay and denied
them access to anyhting. We then have an indepentent audit done on our
license and found that we were legit. The BSA took this audit, reviewed it
and accepted it as fact. We use open licenses thru microsoft at that
location and i guess the ex-employee thought it was piracy when using the
same disk to install on multiple computers. A normal company would probably
let them in, and been fined for somethign (wich isn't binding either). I
have heard stories about that happening and the BSA finding problems that
didn't exist in an attempt to justify thier trip in the first place.
<snipped dribble>

BTW, your spell checkers not working.
Yes my spell checker is borked. It has some custom german ditcionary loaded
along with an english dictionare. I dunno how to unload it or reset it to
plain US english. It actualy takes some words that are spelled corectly and
then aplies a german translation to it then mangles some of them to be a
combination of both so even if i do know the spelling, there is little i can
do about it (untill i reformat i guess)

Brian A.

If i did apear too stong with my comments, i appoligize as
they were intended/frustrated more to the "illegal" wording rather then what
you specificaly posted.

That was the purpose of the links only as agreed my response didn't read
It could be a oem version that

I'm not aware of any that perform a fresh/reinstall this way without a disk.
AFAIK the virtual partition created by manufacturers use a disk, many using
Ghost. Can you provide info or a link on an MS OS installed machine so I may
better inform myself.
YES, they do get a kickback for it. they also act like they have more power
then they do. They came to a business i administrate demanding to audit the
licenses for software we supposedly run. I guess a disgruntled ex-employee
made a call to them.

That's usually where it begins.
I recived the call and told the company not to let
them do anything until i could get my attourney and show up (i would have
ben liable for the licences). The BSA l;eft and came back with some US
Marshals and demanded to confiscate the equiptment and all our licenses. My
attourney as well as the companies attouneys ehld them at bay and denied
them access to anyhting.

That's not hard to do without a warrant.
Yes my spell checker is borked. It has some custom german ditcionary loaded
along with an english dictionare. I dunno how to unload it or reset it to
plain US english. It actualy takes some words that are spelled corectly and
then aplies a german translation to it then mangles some of them to be a
combination of both so even if i do know the spelling, there is little i can
do about it (untill i reformat i guess)

Are you using MS Word or any other text editor that has spell checking. OE uses
the spell checker from those apps unless you provided another type and those
apps are where you need to fix it.
In Word:
Tools > Options > Spelling/Grammar tab
Select "Suggest from main dict. only" or click on the Custom Dicts button to
find their location, then you can either edit it, rename the ext or delete it or
it's contents.


Brian A. Sesko
<>MS MVP<>Shell/User<>
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Brian A.

If i did apear too stong with my comments, i appoligize as
they were intended/frustrated more to the "illegal" wording rather then what
you specificaly posted.

That was the purpose of the links only as agreed my response didn't read
It could be a oem version that

I'm not aware of any that perform a fresh/reinstall this way without a disk.
AFAIK the virtual partition created by manufacturers use a disk, many using
Ghost. Can you provide info or a link on an MS OS installed machine so I may
better inform myself.
YES, they do get a kickback for it. they also act like they have more power
then they do. They came to a business i administrate demanding to audit the
licenses for software we supposedly run. I guess a disgruntled ex-employee
made a call to them.

That's usually where it begins.
I recived the call and told the company not to let
them do anything until i could get my attourney and show up (i would have
ben liable for the licences). The BSA l;eft and came back with some US
Marshals and demanded to confiscate the equiptment and all our licenses. My
attourney as well as the companies attouneys ehld them at bay and denied
them access to anyhting.

That's not hard to do without a warrant.
Yes my spell checker is borked. It has some custom german ditcionary loaded
along with an english dictionare. I dunno how to unload it or reset it to
plain US english. It actualy takes some words that are spelled corectly and
then aplies a german translation to it then mangles some of them to be a
combination of both so even if i do know the spelling, there is little i can
do about it (untill i reformat i guess)

Are you using MS Word or any other text editor that has spell checking. OE uses
the spell checker from those apps unless you provided another type and those
apps are where you need to fix it.
In Word:
Tools > Options > Spelling/Grammar tab
Select "Suggest from main dict. only" or click on the Custom Dicts button to
find their location, then you can either edit it, rename the ext or delete it or
it's contents.


Brian A. Sesko
<>MS MVP<>Shell/User<>
Conflicts start where information lacks.

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