XP crashes



My computer has worked just until yesterday when it just crashed and restarted. After that the Start up sreen have a lot of line and you can only start XP in safe mode, but the lines is still there. When I reinstalled XP (not after, but when I acctually did it) the computer start to work ok again. But after an hour it crashed again. I´ve now formated the hard drive and re installed XP. But it doesn´t work.
Please can some one help me

Rob Schneider

It's likely to be a hardware fault or device driver. Check the event
viewer for clues.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



Sorry, but how do I check the event viewer?

Rob Schneider said:
It's likely to be a hardware fault or device driver. Check the event
viewer for clues.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Rob Schneider

Fully explained in XP's Help if you search for "event viewer".

On the menu: Start, All programs, Accessories, System Tools,
Admininstrative tools.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Start/run (winkey+r), type "eventvwr.msc" (no quotes), and click "ok".

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

Rikard said:
Sorry, but how do I check the event viewer?
restarted. After that the Start up sreen have a lot of line and you can only
start XP in safe mode, but the lines is still there. When I reinstalled XP
(not after, but when I acctually did it) the computer start to work ok
again. But after an hour it crashed again. I´ve now formated the hard drive
and re installed XP. But it doesn´t work.

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