word/office templates in the Intranet/Internet left - IE opens createsa new .doc on computer a but o



subject says it actually already. I have a href to a *.dot file.
If I click on the link computer (a)(win2000/ie6) creates a new .doc file
on base of the template.

Doing the same on computer (b) (win2000/ie6) just opens the .dot file
and it only can be saved as a renamed .dot template.

Now we tried to verify both machines and changed just on checkbox on and
of. MyComputer -> Folder Options -> File types -> Doc -> confirm open
after download.
Now!!! The computer (a) always shows the same behaviour as computer (b)
and we can not turn it back to what we would desire.

We have now left one machine that shows this desired behaviour -
clicking on a link to .dot file creates a new document based on the .dot

Anybody knows how we could controll this random behaviour and deploy it
to machines in the intranet

Her is a testlink to a simple test document

Charles Kenyon

See http://addbalance.com/word/templatesmenu.htm#Hyperlinks. This may help.

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

See also the MVP FAQ: http://www.mvps.org/word which is awesome!
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