Word 2007 Styles


Jeff R. Hawkins

I In Word 2003, I often set up multi-level number lists using the Headings.
In Word 2007, I can't seem to get the Headings to coordinate properly. For
example, If I have a level 1 Heading that is centered with a (e.g. "ARTICLE
1. DEFINITIONS") with full justification on level 2 Headings, the level 2
Headings are not linked to level 1 and their number sequence is not updated
by level 1. For example, ARTICLE 2 is followed by something like "Section
1.5", but it should be followed by "Section 2.1."

How do I link these Headings so that subordinant Headings are updated by
advances of higher level Headings?

Stefan Blom

The principle for multilevel (outline) numbering is the same in Word 2007,
but it has become easier, *and* as more difficult, to create and edit it.

The easiest way to create the Article/Section format is this: On the Home
tab, click the Multilevel List button. Click the built-in "Article I Section
1.01" format, found under "List Library."

To edit an existing list, place the insertion point in a top-level item
(which means a Heading 1 paragraph if numbering was created with heading
styles). Then click Home tab | Multilevel List | Define New Multilevel List.
This displays a dialog box similar to the Customize Outline Numbered List
dialog box of previous versions, which allows you to change the numbering
options, attach paragraph styles to levels (if this hasn't already been
done) etc. See also

Note, however, that if you are creating a multilevel list from start, it
will be safer to click Home tab | Multilevel List | Define New List Style.
You can then set up numbering and attach each level to a paragraph style (if
you click Format, Numbering in the Modify Style dialog box). Editing an
existing style will be easier, since you can right-click the style in the
"List Styles" section (under Home tab | Multilevel List) and choose Modify
from the context menu.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...

Jeff R. Hawkins

Thank you. That solved the problem.
Jeff R. Hawkins
Sullivan, Indiana

Stefan Blom said:
The principle for multilevel (outline) numbering is the same in Word 2007,
but it has become easier, *and* as more difficult, to create and edit it.

The easiest way to create the Article/Section format is this: On the Home
tab, click the Multilevel List button. Click the built-in "Article I Section
1.01" format, found under "List Library."

To edit an existing list, place the insertion point in a top-level item
(which means a Heading 1 paragraph if numbering was created with heading
styles). Then click Home tab | Multilevel List | Define New Multilevel List.
This displays a dialog box similar to the Customize Outline Numbered List
dialog box of previous versions, which allows you to change the numbering
options, attach paragraph styles to levels (if this hasn't already been
done) etc. See also

Note, however, that if you are creating a multilevel list from start, it
will be safer to click Home tab | Multilevel List | Define New List Style.
You can then set up numbering and attach each level to a paragraph style (if
you click Format, Numbering in the Modify Style dialog box). Editing an
existing style will be easier, since you can right-click the style in the
"List Styles" section (under Home tab | Multilevel List) and choose Modify
from the context menu.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

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