Word 2000 crashing when saving, tried SP3



Just today when I began working in a file I've had for months, Word crashed
when I attempted to revise sections, revise headers/footers, and when I
saved. The error message led me to SP3. I downloaded and attempted to
install, using the larger files option as I don't have any disks. It asked me
for SR-1 disks, which I don't have. I tried to install SR-1 and it told me I
already have it installed. Why is it asking me for disks when it told me I
could work around this problem with the larger files, and when I have SR-1
installed already? Also, I don't have SP2 on this machine -- will SP3 work if
I don't have SP2?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?cG93d293YWxs?=,

The proper place to ask this question (where you're most likely to get an
answer) is the Office Setup newsgroup. Be sure to mention which version of Word
you're using, and explain why you don't have any disks.

FWIW, though, this sounds like a damaged document, and I don't think any SP or
SR is going to change that. You'll most likely need to copy each section's text
- without the section break - into a new document. Also don't copy the last
paragraph mark (which is also a section break). Recreate the section breaks and
header/footers in the new document.
Just today when I began working in a file I've had for months, Word crashed
when I attempted to revise sections, revise headers/footers, and when I
saved. The error message led me to SP3. I downloaded and attempted to
install, using the larger files option as I don't have any disks. It asked me
for SR-1 disks, which I don't have. I tried to install SR-1 and it told me I
already have it installed. Why is it asking me for disks when it told me I
could work around this problem with the larger files, and when I have SR-1
installed already? Also, I don't have SP2 on this machine -- will SP3 work if
I don't have SP2?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

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in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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