Wireless Zero Configuration

  • Thread starter Thread starter DGD
  • Start date Start date


I installed a Linksys WRT610N wireless router and added their Linksys
EaskLink Advisor (LELA) sw to my laptop which is running Windows XP HE
SP3. I am trying to retain Windows Wireless Zero Configuration
service as the default application that configures the laptop's
wireless adapter in lieu of LELA (based upon a recommendation from
Linksys Tech Support) in order to maintain connectivity with the
wireless network. Whenever my laptop hibernates or goes into standby,
upon recovery from these states, something causes the Wireless Zero
Configuration to not restart, in spite of it being set up for
automatic. I have to go into the service to manually restart this
service. How do I determine what is causing Wireless Zero
Configuration service to stop and not re-initialize? I can find
nothing in the LELA program to configure it to stop it from
controlling the wireless adapter. Any help appreciated,

I installed a Linksys WRT610N wireless router and added their Linksys
EaskLink Advisor (LELA) sw to my laptop which is running Windows XP HE
SP3.  I am trying to retain Windows Wireless Zero Configuration
service as the default application that configures the laptop's
wireless adapter in lieu of LELA (based upon a recommendation from
Linksys Tech Support) in order to maintain connectivity with the
wireless network.  Whenever my laptop hibernates or goes into standby,
upon recovery from these states, something causes the Wireless Zero
Configuration to not restart, in spite of it being set up for
automatic.  I have to go into the service to manually restart this
service.  How do I determine what is causing Wireless Zero
Configuration service to stop and not re-initialize?  I can find
nothing in the LELA program to configure it to stop it from
controlling the wireless adapter.  Any help appreciated,


Have you cnosidered un-installing LELA? With WZC, you can always do
the settings manually.
Have you cnosidered un-installing LELA?  With WZC, you can always do
the settings manually.

I would prefer to keep LELA running because it provides a considerable
amount of information on the overall network. I just want to stop it
from controlling the wireless adapter on the laptop. With that,
hopefully, WZC would operate without interference.
I would prefer to keep LELA running because it provides a considerable
amount of information on the overall network.  I just want to stop it
from controlling the wireless adapter on the laptop.  With that,
hopefully, WZC would operate without interference.- Hide quoted text -

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My previous experience with other "mnaufacturer" configuration
controls is that these "conflict" with Wireless Zero Configuration.
This is strange. Standby or hibernation by itself does not
cause any service to stop.
So, possibly, it crashes or stops responding.
Have you checked the eventlog for relevant messages?

As a first step at least try to use only WZC with LELA disable, and vice
versa, to find out if that causes the trouble.
The LELA probably loads some thing at StartUp. you probably can use this
free program to temp. disable it from starting.
Jack (MS, MVP-Networking)
As a first step at least try to use only WZC with LELA disable, and vice
versa, to find out if that causes the trouble.
The LELA probably loads some thing at StartUp. you probably can use this
free program to temp. disable it from starting.http://www.ezlan.net/infestation#startup
Jack (MS, MVP-Networking)

I have already disabled the LELA start-up program that is shown in the
start-up tab as part of msconfig. I can start LELA from a desktop
short cut. I have been able to find a service running called "pure
networks platform service". A Google search indicated this is a
service created by CISCO/Linksys in support of their LELA
application. I stopped the service, set it to manual, ensured WZC was
set to automatic and re-started the computer. The computer re-booted
and hooked up to the internet. WZC was running and the Pure networks
platform service was not. When I attempted to start LELA through the
desktop shortcut, I got a message that LELA was not running and had to
be started. Once LELA was started, I lost my wireless connection to
the network. WZC was stopped and the Pure Networks Platform Service
was running. To re-gain access I had to start WZC and ensure that
Windows was being used to manage my wireless connection (through a
check box).
There is a definite link between them. LELA doesn't seem to be able
to manage the wireless adapter on its own, but I don't see any of the
network structure without it. It needs WZC, but also shuts it down.
Something is misconfigured.

This doesn't surprise me. Anyone who's had dealings with the more upmarket
Cisco routers will know how buggy IOS is. The cisco guys always configure by

What network monitoring do you need? Would somethng like Network Stumbler
fulfil this role?
It's really a shame this "LELA" thing stops WZC.
Since Microsoft has provided a way for 3rd party
wireless apps to coexist with WZC without fighting,
the vendors could update their software.
Perhaps MS could do this earlier, but two years
was enough time to prepare updates.

I have already disabled the LELA start-up program that is shown in the
start-up tab as part of msconfig.  I can start LELA from a desktop
short cut.  I have been able to find a service running called "pure
networks platform service".  A Google search indicated this is a
service created by CISCO/Linksys in support of their LELA
application.  I stopped the service, set it to manual, ensured WZC was
set to automatic and re-started the computer.  The computer re-booted
and hooked up to the internet.  WZC was running and the Pure networks
platform service was not.  When I attempted to start LELA through the
desktop shortcut, I got a message that LELA was not running and had to
be started.  Once LELA was started, I lost my wireless connection to
the network.  WZC was stopped and the Pure Networks Platform Service
was running.  To re-gain access I had to start WZC and ensure that
Windows was being used to manage my wireless connection (through a
check box).
There is a definite link between them.  LELA doesn't seem to be able
to manage the wireless adapter on its own, but I don't see any of the
network structure without it.  It needs WZC, but also shuts it down.
Something is misconfigured.

Doug- Hide quoted text -

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I would also check under the Services. I know that other Linksys
products (especially wireless adapters) also places a service.
I would also check under the Services.  I know that other Linksys
products (especially wireless adapters) also places a service.

There is a service called "Pure Networks Platform Service" that is
automatically configured to start upon boot-up. As I indicated above
it is a CISCO/Linksys piece of SW that is related to their LELA

I am writing this letter to ALL Wireless Router manufacturers.
I have a Linksys Wireless Router Model:BEFW11S4. It is 7 years (yes, count
them, all of seven little years) old. I have visited the Linksys website
numerous times trying to set up the WEP/WPA security on that wireless router
(as all responsible wireless router owners should!). I found that there are
no links to any wireless router setting websites that are congruent with the
screen shots from Linksys' own self help technical support site. I have had
to call Linksys several times to resolve this issue only to be placed on hold
for lengthy times (sometimes my call was dropped and I had to start over ....
how sad for such a large company to have such poorly trained phone
receptionists!), then be transferred (see previous comment about the phone
receptionists) to a supposed supervisor, only to finally be transferred to
someone who tells me that the warranty has expired and wants me to pay $40.00
for the technical support to do the right thing that I want and need to do.
First, the device works fine (as evidenced by this e-mail that you have
just received)!
Second, why should I have to pay for doing the right thing?
Third, if I am going to be EXTORTED into buying a new wireless router so
that I can do the right thing and set up an encryption key for a secure
network, what on Gods' Green Earth makes anyone think that I would CHOOSE to
buy another Linksys product when ALL that I have ever received from them is a
functional wireless router (yes, even after seven whole years) and the
crappiest Customer Service/Technical Support I have ever had the displeasure
to encounter!
I shall copy this letter and try to find as many Chat Rooms as possible in
order to spread the word of ALL that I have gone through with the Chain of
Command at the Linksys phone center, well above and beyond what any
reasonable person should expect to go through, and still have NO RELIEF
concerning my singular issue with their product and its capabilities that I
SHOULD be able to enjoy as the owner of said product! What has happend to
"The Customer Is Always Right" Customer Service mantra (I can't say "In
America" because the call was handled in India)? Is the Customer, the ones
that makes the company what it is through the purchase of products, so
worthless to the company that they can just be treated with abject contempt
and scorn? Is the Customer to thus be trampled underfoot? Are we paying to
be so abused? I, for one (yes, one, the beginning of all), shall NOT be
treated in such manner, and CERTAINLY shall NOT PAY to be treated as such!
In this world of expanding technologies, it shall be those with the
GREATEST Customer Appeal that shall continue to be found worthwile in the
publics' eyes (and pocketbooks) and shall grow to meet the demands of a
growing world - ESPECIALLY in the Electronics Department!
It is now my strongest desire that the Linksys Corporation suffers
irreparable damage and goes out of business for their Crappy Customer
Service! I can only hope that I reach enough people around the world to bring
this desire true!
I am writing this letter to ALL Wireless Router manufacturers.
I have a Linksys Wireless Router Model:BEFW11S4. It is 7 years (yes, count
them, all of seven little years) old. I have visited the Linksys website
numerous times trying to set up the WEP/WPA security on that wireless router
(as all responsible wireless router owners should!). I found that there are
no links to any wireless router setting websites that are congruent with the
screen shots from Linksys' own self help technical support site. I have had
to call Linksys several times to resolve this issue only to be placed on hold
for lengthy times (sometimes my call was dropped and I had to start over ....
how sad for such a large company to have such poorly trained phone
receptionists!), then be transferred (see previous comment about the phone
receptionists) to a supposed supervisor, only to finally be transferred to
someone who tells me that the warranty has expired and wants me to pay $40.00
for the technical support to do the right thing that I want and need to do.
First, the device works fine (as evidenced by this e-mail that you have
just received)!
Second, why should I have to pay for doing the right thing?
Third, if I am going to be EXTORTED into buying a new wireless router so
that I can do the right thing and set up an encryption key for a secure
network, what on Gods' Green Earth makes anyone think that I would CHOOSE to
buy another Linksys product when ALL that I have ever received from them is a
functional wireless router (yes, even after seven whole years) and the
crappiest Customer Service/Technical Support I have ever had the displeasure
to encounter!
I shall copy this letter and try to find as many Chat Rooms as possible in
order to spread the word of ALL that I have gone through with the Chain of
Command at the Linksys phone center, well above and beyond what any
reasonable person should expect to go through, and still have NO RELIEF
concerning my singular issue with their product and its capabilities that I
SHOULD be able to enjoy as the owner of said product! What has happend to
"The Customer Is Always Right" Customer Service mantra (I can't say "In
America" because the call was handled in India)? Is the Customer, the ones
that makes the company what it is through the purchase of products, so
worthless to the company that they can just be treated with abject contempt
and scorn? Is the Customer to thus be trampled underfoot? Are we paying to
be so abused? I, for one (yes, one, the beginning of all), shall NOT be
treated in such manner, and CERTAINLY shall NOT PAY to be treated as such!
In this world of expanding technologies, it shall be those with the
GREATEST Customer Appeal that shall continue to be found worthwile in the
publics' eyes (and pocketbooks) and shall grow to meet the demands of a
growing world - ESPECIALLY in the Electronics Department!
It is now my strongest desire that the Linksys Corporation suffers
irreparable damage and goes out of business for their Crappy Customer
Service! I can only hope that I reach enough people around the world to bring
this desire true!
DGD said:
I installed a Linksys WRT610N wireless router and added their Linksys
EaskLink Advisor (LELA) sw to my laptop which is running Windows XP HE
SP3. I am trying to retain Windows Wireless Zero Configuration
service as the default application that configures the laptop's
wireless adapter in lieu of LELA (based upon a recommendation from
Linksys Tech Support) in order to maintain connectivity with the
wireless network. Whenever my laptop hibernates or goes into standby,
upon recovery from these states, something causes the Wireless Zero
Configuration to not restart, in spite of it being set up for
automatic. I have to go into the service to manually restart this
service. How do I determine what is causing Wireless Zero
Configuration service to stop and not re-initialize? I can find
nothing in the LELA program to configure it to stop it from
controlling the wireless adapter. Any help appreciated,
