Windows XP very slow to logoff and or shutdown




I have a user with a Windows XP pro sp2 workstation. I'm noticing that this
PC will take anywhere from 5-10 min to log off and or shutdown.

This is a fresh install with several apps installed, some of the details of
which are listed below:

Adobe Photoshop CS
Adobe Illustrator CS
Adobe Reader v6
Office 2003 pro
3D Studio Max
Symantec Corp v9
etc.. etc..

One thing I noted was that this user has a lot of files located in his My
Documents and on his Desktop, approximating 1.5Gigs to 2 Gigs of data.

Do you think the large amount of data stored in his user profile is
contributing to the slow log off and shutdowns? If so is there a way to fix
it other than moving the users data to a folder outside his user profile?


Peter Poulimenakos


Get rid of Symantec totally and try it out. While it is trying to shut down,
open Task Master and see what program is hanging up and not letting the PC
close. Mine was Norton Internet Security and Norton Antivirus. And it ain't
Symantec's fault, its this screwed up WinXP program.......


It could be that the HD disk is heavily fragmented with so many programs
installed and in use. With the number and size of files getting larger
by the day, its good to run a regular defrag on the HD as part of
system maintenance even for workstations. A good third party defrag
tool with automatic scheduling will take care of this on a daily basis
in the background without interrupting other functions..can add years
to the life of a workstation.


are you using roaming profiles? if so it could be the size of the

But most likely it's some app that's not closing properly or quickly
enough. Check task manager before choosing shutdown to see what's
running. Satisfy yourself that they are all legit. Then watch it as you
shutdown. Also check the event log, sometimes there's info in there
that's useful.

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