Windows XP Recover (not Recovery Console)



I've done this many times before on other systems but something is different now.

I have an eMachine about two years old that got a bunch of trojans and other demons on it. The most recent
(BraveSentry) seems to have done something nasty. The machine now does recursive reboots somewhere between the Windows
XP PRO splash and switching the console to graphics mode. It fails the same way in Safe mode.

There is NO recovery partition and neighbor know nothing about a recovery CD

I pulled the Hard Drive and mounted it as a slave in another machine. I scanned the HD with Anti Virus and CounterSpy
to clean it up, and some manual cleaning of other known demons in the System32 directory (that slip by the super sleuths).

Reinstall Hard drive, and symptoms have not changed. It still reboots.

I used a new, never installed OEM Windows XP PRO CD to boot from in order to perform system Repair. This is not a new
procedure to me. What changed is this:

After copying all the setup files, asking for Zone and KBD configuration, it's supposed to reboot.
It did NOT reboot. Instead it asked me for the 25 character Product key.
I am not about to use this never before used product key from a new CD. I am not installing. I am doing a Repair.

I tried the eMaching key on the Certificate of Authenticity tag.
Invalid Key!

When I reboot, it comes back to the same place.

I have tried a new XP HOME +SP2 retail CD.
I get a new problem at that same point...

The signature for Windows XP Professional Upgrade is Invalid.
No signature was present in the subject.

I go back and try the first OEM Windows XP PRO CD again.
Same problem as above.
I can't seem to perform a REPAIR.

Why does it say "Upgrade"? I am not performing an upgrade, and the CD is not an upgrade CD.




"The 1st oem xp cd" where was this used,none with the pc,& 1 borrowed....
Either way,the oem xp sticker nos on the pc would be worthless,thier only
mfg nos for the pc not xp..Also,what results do you expect,youre xp
registration nos are diffrent than the cd(s) youre trying to use.Guess its
to break down & purchase an xp cd,or contact the pc mfg & get a replacement.


I do have TWO new CDs.
One is OEM and one is XP Home Retail.

Repair using the HP Home creates a problem that may be related to the fact that I am trying to repair XP professional.

Repair using the XP HOME new CD creates the problem described herein.

Using Drive Image, I have restored this HD two times now. That means I have tried the Repair function (to which I am no
stranger) three times. I get into the Repair function:

- Windows XP Professional Setup
--- To repair the select Windows XP installation press R.
--- To continue installing a fresh copy of Windows... press ESC

Creating list of files to be copied ... etc.
etc... copies files a long time.

Then the screen for configuring time zone and keyboard.
[screen for entering product code]
But Hey!
The window title now says "Windows XP Professional Upgrade".
Upgrade? Of course I need the key.

Here is what I think is happening., one of these:

1) Something is detected that triggers "Upgrade". But what and why. Has Microsoft implement some more anti piracy changes?

2) The OEM CD is actually an upgrade CD, but no hint of that is on the CD label.

What to do.
Three times now; you can be sure I read every screen carefully.



Andrew said:
"The 1st oem xp cd" where was this used,none with the pc,& 1
borrowed.... Either way,the oem xp sticker nos on the pc would be
worthless,thier only mfg nos for the pc not xp..Also,what results do
you expect,youre xp

Andrew, what exactly do you have against the English language?

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