Windows XP Pro Locks Up When Hard Drive Crashes...



I'm running Windows XP Pro w/complete updates. I have a failing 40Gb hard
drive and when it crashes it locks up the entire OS. What I can't figure
out is why?

The OS is on a completely different 'working' HD, the page file is on the
same 'working' HD. The failing HD is being used for storage and that is it.

The working HD is on the primary ide controller on the MoBo and the failing
HD is on the secondary ide controller on the MoBo.

I've had failing HD's before, and it never used to do this in previous
versions of Windows.

I'm not sure if anyone knows why this is happening and how i can fix it, and
i'm not sure what information about my system would be helpful.

I have 2 Maxtor 40Gb HD's capable and running in UDMA-6 mode and are both

Before replying to this, I have tired absolutely everything i can think of
and yes removing the failing HD fixes the problem, obviously. But i need
the HD in there and there is no reason it should be causing the system to
hang when it is only used for storage and windows doesn't have any files on

If anyone has any ideas, please email me at (e-mail address removed)

Tony Meyer

One thing I would consider off the top of my head is that the secondary IDE
controller is failing and maybe not the HDD at all... What tests have you
run? Have you swapped the drives over so the failing one is on the primary?
See if it still crashes... What are the symptoms of the failing one, IE how
do you know its failing? Is it making nasty noises? Just a couple of things
to consider... All the best,


From the software perspective
A working version of XP has stored information on all hard drives, thus when one suddenly stops responding Windows hangs

Such information includes the system restore data. You might try disabling system restore to the second drive for a start

From a hardware perspective
Communication takes place between the drive / controller [on the motherboard] so when it ceases, there may be a 'freeze' caused by the hard disk controller, thus Windows will hang
Electronically the HDD may also be sending spurious signals [caused by shorting or other such thing], this may affect the power supply. The power supply will also communicate with Windows, again no communication and Windows will hang waiting for response

The best solution is to get a replacement disk drive and transfer the data ASAP. Failure to react quickly may result in loss of data or hardware failures which may have greater affect [dead MOBO, both HDDs dead etc].


Yes in my previous message i believe i said i swapped the drives and even if
it was the secondary controller, why would that lock up windows when the
drive the OS is on, is on the primary controller.

Anyways I know its not the controller, i replaced the MoBo not too long ago
thinking that it must be something wrong with my system since this wasn't
the first time i've had maxtor drives fail. Unfortunately I was wrong and
Maxtor just sucks, i've only received one working HD from them so far. (the
one i'm using for my OS right now)

And if yer curious what the drive does, it makes a loud CLICK, then sounds
like it is respinning back up. Only happens during read/write operations to
the drive. (Keep in mind that windows does not use this drive for anything)


System restore is disabled.

I can unplug the power/ide cable from the drive (while the system is
running) and windows will still run. Its only when the drive crashes.

BAR said:
From the software perspective:
A working version of XP has stored information on all hard drives, thus
when one suddenly stops responding Windows hangs.
Such information includes the system restore data. You might try
disabling system restore to the second drive for a start.
From a hardware perspective:
Communication takes place between the drive / controller [on the
motherboard] so when it ceases, there may be a 'freeze' caused by the hard
disk controller, thus Windows will hang.
Electronically the HDD may also be sending spurious signals [caused by
shorting or other such thing], this may affect the power supply. The power
supply will also communicate with Windows, again no communication and
Windows will hang waiting for response.
The best solution is to get a replacement disk drive and transfer the data
ASAP. Failure to react quickly may result in loss of data or hardware
failures which may have greater affect [dead MOBO, both HDDs dead etc].

Tony Meyer

Hey Theriex, you did say in your previous post that you had removed the
offending drive which caused the problem, but you didn't mention that you
had swapped them over on the IDE channels. Thats why I suggested it. Another
thing you could do is bung the offending drive onto another machine with XP
on it as a secondary drive or jumper it and run it off your primary IDE
controller as a slave and see if it makes a difference. Either way this
would prove or disprove the drive itself or the IDE controller Hope this
helps. All the best


OK, just to remove any confusion... I have switched the drives from primary
to secondary, from master to slave on primary, from master to slave on
secondary. I purchased a new motherboard. I have ran the system fine with
the working hard disk in both the primary and secondary controllers without
the failing hard drive attached.

I know for an absolute fact through these and numerous other tests and trial
and errors that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the IDE controllers
or anything else in my system for that matter (with the failing HD being an
exception) (I'm also a computer systems technician)

When I originally posted this problem I was hoping someone knew why windows
would lock up completely when my failing hard drive on the secondary ide
controller as a slave, with no pagefile or any windows files located on that
drive, with system restore disabled and anything else that windows would use
not being on that drive, crashed.

I am puzzled as to how a HD that isn't used to run the system in any way can
cause the OS to lock up completely. Thats my problem.

I mentioned before that i have never had this problem before with previous
windows os's and that my gf's computer which is also running windows xp pro
and has a failing HD in it that does the exact same thing that my HD does,
does not lock windows up when it crashes.

I hope that clears everything up and removes any confusion.

Tony Meyer

OK, mate, thats seems to have about covered it. So you know your HDD is
sucking the big Kumara. All I can suggest is that maybe all HDD's, when they
die can exhibit quite different symptoms in their death throes, depending
upon what aspect of it has died first.... All the best mate...


This drive is a new-build replacement that I got from maxtor, this is the
3rd or 4th new-build replacement i've gotten from them that doesn't work
(all doing the same thing) The most recent HD I have gotten from them is the
working one that is in my system.

So just to make it real clear to everyone my opinion of Maxtor - They suck
goat balls.

Anyways theres only one thing I haven't tried, i haven't taken the failing
HD and placed it in my gf's computer to see if it will cause her OS to lock
up when it crashes.

I should try that and see. If it doesn't lock up, there must be some
setting or something in windows on my system that is causing the system to
lock. If it does lock up, then i guess i'm SOL.


OK, i put the drive in my gf's computer, and when it crashes in her computer
it doesn't lock her system up.

So i'm left to pretty much formatting, reinstalling a bare windows xp pro
and seeing if it still does it on a bare install.

Theriex said:
This drive is a new-build replacement that I got from maxtor, this is the
3rd or 4th new-build replacement i've gotten from them that doesn't work
(all doing the same thing) The most recent HD I have gotten from them is the
working one that is in my system.

So just to make it real clear to everyone my opinion of Maxtor - They suck
goat balls.

Anyways theres only one thing I haven't tried, i haven't taken the failing
HD and placed it in my gf's computer to see if it will cause her OS to lock
up when it crashes.

I should try that and see. If it doesn't lock up, there must be some
setting or something in windows on my system that is causing the system to
lock. If it does lock up, then i guess i'm SOL.

<------- SNIP ------->

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