Windows XP Windows XP Pre-SP1 Hotfixes ... all 175 of them.

Hey MUcks,that link took me to the Australian Microsoft help and support site,and there was nothing to do with the SP1 on there?
Strange you went to an Aus site Skamp, I got there OK.

Mucks, I think I'll wait for SP1, it'd take forever to download and install that lot individually.

Very good link if you got a specific problem though, mine sometimes hangs on 'restart' so I think I'll install the 'shutdown' patch.

Thanks for the pointer Mr Mux :)
Skamp ... Yes, I fixed the link. :D

If you use Windows's Update Site then you probable got 170 of them anyway. ;)
Mines updated as it can get,the only thing I didnt get was that 20 meg .Net thingy,whatever that was!!
[qoute]The .NET Framework is a new feature of Windows. Applications built using the .NET Framework are more reliable and secure. You need to install the .NET Framework only if you have software that requires it.[/quote]

So the last sentence says it all ... I don't know what uses .NET so it don't get installed. Oh, and who is this SnowWhite bloke?


I don't know? ... But MS has a fix for him. ;)

Skamp you do know I'm totally insane and I'm on home turf here.
Ahh yes,I didnt read the fix list,but I presume that its a fix for the Snow White and the 7 dwarfs Virus!!
Excuse MY little bit of fun there Skamp ... yep, you got it. :P

I was really testing if you were paying attention. ;)

You keep me on my toes ... and I'll reply to anything. :D

anything to get my post count up to what we had before the "big crash".

lol, for about 4 months! :eek:

Our old hosts (shall remain nameless for their sake!) had a server crash - we lost all the files on the server, as well as the databases (supposedly on a separate server), and the backup server mysteriously crashed too! To top it all off, 3 months later they sent an e-mail saying that my credit card details had been stolen from vulnerability in their software :crazy:

Luckily, it was an expired card - otherwise I would have taken up legal action with them messing things up so much! Thankfully our new hosts are incredible :D